Monday, October 04, 2004


The following appeared in edited form as a letter to the J'sam Post:

Dear Sir:
Why should we be surprised that a UN vehicle is being used by Palestinian fighters in their war against Israel ("Israel fumes over Kassam in UN van." 3/10/4)?
The UN organization set up in 1949 to perpetuate the Palestinian refugee problem, UNWRA, has for years been implicated in terrorist activities. Not only do the UNWRA schools teach hatred of Jews and glorify martyrdom to kill Israeli civilians, but the staff are also members of various terrorist organizations. The UNWRA-run so-called "refugee camps" are breeding grounds for terrorist training and activity.
The Palestinians are the only "refugees" in the world that inherit the status of "refugee" from generation to generation with cradle-to-grave support, while ALL OTHER refugees, including those in Bosnia, Darfur and Rwanda, are covered by regulations under the UN Commission of Human Rights that do not allow this perpetuation of refugee status. They also receive a mere fraction of the amount of support per refugee that the Palestinians receive, and have received for 50 years! This allows their young men to concentrate on training for terrorist activities.
Note that it is US and EU tax payer money that is supporting these terrorist "camps," and that the payment to UNWRA is made separately from other UN agencies. I call upon all those who want to see a peaceful end to the Palestine-Israel conflict to work to close down UNWRA and stop US and other payments to that agency. Let the actual Palestinian refugees be treated as all other refugees in the world! Only in this way will the perpetuation of this permanent conflict be foreclosed.
Yours etc.
Jack Cohen


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