Monday, December 19, 2005

The last threat

The possibility of Iranian nuclear tipped rockets is the last really
significant existential threat to the State of Israel and the continuation
of the Jewish people. Because of this I wrote an open letter to Pres.
Ahmedinejad of Iran, who as most of you know has not only called for
wiping Israel off the map, but has denied that the Holocaust occurred.

Dear Pres. Ahmedinejad: Most Jews would be pleased to agree with you
that the Holocaust never happened, if only it had not. Or if it happened,
that it wasn't so bad, and only a few thousand Jews were killed. But, in
fact it did happen during WWII, and the number of Jews killed was around
6 million! This is such a terrible thing to have to admit that any Jew
would be happy if it weren't true.
So why should we insist on its truth, when it would be much more
convenient for us to deny it. It is a great loss for us to admit that this
terrible killing occurred, and somehow we feel that we were responsible
for allowing Germans, Austrians, Ukrainians, Russians, Latvians, Poles,
Hungarians, etc. etc. to kill our people while they were defenseless.
And what reason do you give for the Jews insisting on the truth of the
Holocaust - in order to garner sympathy! But, from whom could we
expect sympathy, certainly not from those who perpetrated this crime, not
even from their descendents, most of current day Europeans, and certainly
not from you and your Iranian and Muslim brethren. That leaves relatively
few people in the world from whom we could expect some measure of
respect and sympathy for our innocent murdered people.
But, note this, since it happened once, we will not let it happen again, so
if you are preparing nuclear weapons in order to incinerate us, this time we
will be prepared. This time we will not trust the word of a mad leader like
yourself. And by the way we are not going anywhere, we'll be here long
after your extremist, clerical, repressive regime is overthrown.
Yours etc. An Israeli Jew


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