Wednesday, May 03, 2006

PA or Darfur?

The UN High Commission for Refugees in Sudan's Darfur region announced last
week that because of the huge costs involved (they estimate the need for
m$700) and the lack of funds that have been donated, they will have to reduce
the food contribution to 2 million refugees by half, to ca. 1,000 calories a
day. This is barely a subsistence ration.
These Black African refugees are living a meager existence after having been
expelled from their villages by the Arab Ganga-weed militia, sponsored and
supported by the fundamentalist Islamist Sudanese Government. In the past 5
years or so of this conflict about 150,000 people have been killed. In the
past two years there have been talks going on in Kenya between the Sudanese
Government and the Darfur resistance forces. The latest news is that an
agreement has been reached to stop all Ganga-weed attacks and incorporate
the militias into the Sudanese forces. It seems unlikely that this will
resolve the drastic situation.
Meanwhile Pres. Abbas of the PA is going around the world pleading for funds
to keep the Hamas Government from collapsing. Pres. Chirac has come up with a
formula of paying the salaries of ca. 150,000 PA Government employees
(this is about one third of the total Gaza work force) indirectly through the
World Bank. It is important that Hamas be seen not to be receiving the funds,
and yet if they are paying the salaries of he PA Government what is the
difference. It is pure hypocrisy. Not only have the PA been profligate in
wasting previous funds and not only has there been massive corruption with
billions of dollars going missing, but it seems that the PA Government is not
trying to do anything to either reduce costs or reduce the number of
employees. They just expect to remain a total welfare basket case dependent
on international charity. The PA is in fact a failed "state" and giving them
more money is throwing it down a deep hole. Wouldn't it be better spent in
trying to keep some of the starving Darfur refugees alive. Where are the good
liberals in all of this? Have they suddenly lost their voices, do they prefer
to support the fat cats of the PA in the manner to which they have become
accustomed, rather than feed the starving in Africa.


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