Monday, November 12, 2007

National suicide?

I heard a BBC interviewer get quite indignent with Michael Freund, the convenor of Shavei Tzion, the society that brings to Israel members of "lost" or secret Jewish sects, such as the Bnei Israel and the Bnei Menashe from India, the Ethiopians (Falasha) Jews, or the Bnei Anusim (Marranos) from Spain, Portugal and Latin America. He asked, "well if you bring them into Israel what about the Palestinians who still have deeds to land they owned in Israel, why can't they return?" And when Freund responded that our deed to the Land is the Bible and that the whole point of Israel is the ingathering of the exiles and that these are Jews who were persecuted and forced to give up their identity, the interviewer responded with a typical liberal response, "well, if you are so sympathetic to those people why don't you have sympathy for the poor suffering Palestinians, what about their rights?"
But, he fails to grasp, as do many liberals and leftists, including many young idealistic Jews, that this multicultural argument is not the appropriate one in this situation. All groups are not equivalent, we are particularist (!), and this goes against the grain of current Western liberal thinking. The Arabs have 22 States, the Jews have one. The Arab States are not in danger of being destroyed, ours is. Israel exists and has sovereignty for the very purpose of strengthening the Jewish people and ensuring our survival. The Palestinians may yet get their own State, alongside ours, but not at our expense.
Since there is no such thing as the "right of return" in international law, and since Israel is sovereign, we can choose to let in who we like. For example, the Ministry of Immigration and Absorption has given the Bnei Menashe a hard time to enter, as they did previous "lost" groups, because they have little documentation of their claims to be part of the "lost tribes," and the authorities fear a huge economic influx. But, Freund and others argue (also a liberal position) that if they want to be Jews and convert and share our responsibilites (which includes serving in the IDF) then we must let them "return" to their land. Whether the fact that they are Asian, and look typically Asian, makes any difference, and the fact that now there are several hundred coming, but there are several thousand waiting, makes any difference to the Ministry is hard to determine.
But, the fact that Israel chooses to allow them to enter Israel and not the descendents of the Palestinian refugees is Israel's choice. They chose to fight us 60 years ago, they were defeated and lost their rights in a war of their own making, they remain implacably hostile (even if a few of them claim that they are not) and we say, as is our right and responsibility, "no entry." We may be sympathetic to African refugees from Darfur, and about 500 have been admitted, but to allow all Africans who now come from all over Africa (Nigeria, Somalia, etc.) to settle here would be national suicide, and we are not required to commit suicide to satisfy the moral equivalence of Western liberals!


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