Saturday, May 24, 2008

Truck bomb at Erez

The past week has been very active militarily in Gaza, even though you don't read or see anything about this in your local or international media. On Thursday, a truck loaded with explosives was driven to the Erez junction under cover of fog. Whenever there is fog in the area the IDF goes on high alert because the Palestinian terrorist groups use this for cover to carry out attacks. An alert IDF soldier saw the truck driving fast towards the gate through the fog and fired on it. It exploded in a massive explosion because it was carrying 5 tons of explosives and left a huge crater in the road. Only the suicide bomber driver was killed. The IDF likes to help suicide bombers achieve their goal of blowing themselves up, as long as they don't take others with them. The explosion was felt up to 30 km away.
The suicide bomber's name was revealed when they played his "suicide video" on TV. Islamic Jihad stated that the reason for the attack was because Israel had rejected the proposed hudna (temporary ceasefire) being discussed through Egypt. Hamas also criticized the Egyptians for acting neutrally and not supporting their side. The goal was to drive this truck into Israel and kill as many Israelis as possible. A jeep was seen driving behind the truck, and this was fired on too and a terrorist was killed. The intention was to enter Israel after the truck and kidnap one or two IDF soldiers. Fortunately this scheme was totally defeated. The Erez cossing had to be closed, so that materiel could not be transferred into Gaza and 30 sick Gazans were unable to cross into Israel for treatment.
The only item about Gaza on the news (on Sky) was the death of a Palestinian cameraman working for Reuters. He supposedly set up to film an ambulance driving along a road next to the border within observation distance of IDF guards, but he and others were killed when a tank shell was fired at them. There are serious questions about this incident, particularly why he was so close to the border and whether or not he was filming an ambulance or terrorists preparing to attack the IDF guards. The IDF says that none of their men saw any TV crew and they are investigating the incident. Note that Reuters was founded by a Jew as the first press service, but is now blantantly pro-Palestinian.
Rockets are fired at the Negev from Gaza every day, but on Friday the IDF caught a team of terrorists setting up a launcher in a school yard and killed four of them in a missile strike. A boy of thirteen standing nearby was also killed. This often happens because children like to watch the terrorists in action. Another terrorist was killed trying to attack the border fence. So in two days 6 terrorists were killed and no Israelis, but they keep trying and sometimes they succeed. Clearly, targeted killings work, but do not suffice to stop rocket and mortar fire into Israel. After the rocket that hit a mall in Ashkelon a few weeks ago, PM Olmert said that this situation was "intolerable," but so far nothing has been done effectively to stop it.
Meanwhile PM Olmert is being questioned by police in his latest corruption probe, charging that he illegally received up to $500,000, although what it was used for is unkown. Morris Talansky, who is supposed to have given the money to Olmert's attorney, will be interrogated this coming week. This case is capable of causing Olmert to resign and could trigger a political upheaval in Israel. The media in Israel is full of the recently revealed negotiations with Syria thru Turkey, but many believe that this is intended as a cover for Olmert's legal problems. Many leading politicians, including opposition Likud leader Bibi Netanyahu, have rejected these talks as a political maneuver by Olmert.


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