Friday, February 27, 2009

Reconciliation for reconstruction funds

There is going to be a "donor's conference" co-sponsored by Egypt and Sweden starting tomorrow in Cairo to discuss contributions for Gaza reconstruction (until the IDF has to flatten it again). So far the amount that has been projected is billion $3.2. However, there is a hitch, since none of the contributors recognizes the right of Hamas to receive such aid, since it is internationally recognized by the US, EU and UN as a terrorist organization that will not renounce the use of violence, recognize Israel's right to exist and accept previous agreements between the PA and Israel. Note that while this meeting is going on, rockets from Gaza are still falling in southern Israel.
Now concurrent with this there is another meeting going on in Cairo, this one on reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas to overcome their schism. Now they have twice before agreed to reunite, once after a large Arab conference in Saudi Arabia, where they were also offered funds to reunite, and once again in Cairo a few months ago. However, both previous attempts failed, and in fact the break got worse when during and after the IDF Operation cast lead, Hamas took the opportunity to kill/maim/jail hundreds of Fatah supporters, and reciprocally Fatah arrested and jailed hundreds of Hamas supporters in the West Bank. Now as a gesture of good will they have both released the other's prisoners, ca. 800 Fatah supporters in Gaza and a like number of Hamas in the West Bank. They have also set up 5 committees to work on specific areas of reconciliation. The object is to arrive at a Govt. of National Unity, and this time it might work, because of course, then Fatah can say that they can accept the b$3.2 on behalf of the Palestinians, i.e. reconciliation for reconstruction funds.
However, many commentators feel that this Unity Government will give Hamas legitimacy and will be in effect a takeover of the Palestinian cause by Hamas and a weakening of the already discredited Fatah. If the international donors then give this large sum of money to a Fatah-Hamas Unity Govt. they will be complicit in enhancing the role of Hamas in controlling Palestinian affairs (of course much of this money will then be used to fight Israel). Now there is an intention that this Unity Govt. will precede new overdue elections for both Palestinian President and Parliament. But, it is unlikely that Hamas would ever allow Fatah to win this election and another round of bloodshed might result.
At the same time, discussions are going on on this side of the border between PM-elect Netanyahu and Kadima party leader Tzipi Livni. She is adamant that she will not join a NUG with Netanyahu, citing fundamental differences in policy towards a "two state solution." Since the PA under Fatah have essentially rejected any compromise with Israel, there is not the slightest chance of a "two state solution" and this will be even more remote if Hamas joins a unity govt with Fatah. So as this prospect disappears into the mist of lost opportunities, it is a good thing for Israel that we will be lead by right-wing PM Netanyahu. Only the right-wing have shown themselves capable of withstanding pressure from the US for more Israeli concessions, while getting none from the Palestinian side in return, and also being able to propose alternative more realistic approaches to peace.


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