Sunday, April 12, 2009

Examples of bias

In London, on several successive days, a group of Tamils from northern Sri Lanka have been demonstrating against human rights violations of the Sri Lankan Army that has been killing civilians as they tighten the noose around the Tamil Tiger stronghold. However, you won't hear about this in your media, because they have not been joined by tens of thousands of Anglos and Muslims, shouting about "war crimes." Why is that, since superficially the situation is very similar to that which occurred in Gaza during Operation Cast Lead. The answer is obvious, the troops are not Israeli Jews and the victims are not Palestinians. Jews are always fair game and the Palestinians are the darlings of the left. I have long been puzzled why the left have taken the Palestinians to their hearts, since they are mainly thugs and uncivilized terrorists, uneducated and extremist, and have never contributed anything to civilization. But, it shows us once again that not all men are created equal, the life of a Palestinian is clearly worth more than that of a Tamil and certainly more than that of a Darfurian. Those who demonstrated against Israel are guilty of rank hypocrisy and those who fail to report on the plight of the Tamil civilians are guilty of media bias. So what is new?
Another case of media bias is in the US. When the media was carrying out it's anti-Bush campaign last year they highlighted the casualties in Iraq and every time that a US serviceman was killed there were articles about the total number, and they criticized the government for not allowing them to photograph the caskets arriving in the US. Since Pres. Obama has been elected there have been no articles about servicemen being killed in Iraq (beyond the reporting of the actual incidents). In fact, 85 US servicemen have been killed in Iraq since Pres. Obama took over, yet there has not been one article criticizing the US government for the "senseless loss of life." Apparently Pres. Obama holds no responsibility for US servicemen killed in the line of duty, what a convenient situation for him. Let's wait and see how long the media can hold it's restraint when the US casualties start increasing in Afghanistan.


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