Sunday, September 27, 2009

Iran's duplicity

So Iran admitted that it has built a second secret nuclear entrichment plant. Of course the West knew about this, but kept quiet until Iran was forced out into the open by the upcoming meeting on Thurs Oct 1 with the seven countries. If they had not admitted this now before the meeting they would have been confronted at it then proving their duplicity. Not that this lessens the duplicity they have shown already. Anyway, Obama still keeps talking about diplomacy, he offers Iran "serious, meaningful dialog," but I hope he shows some spine and exerts his influence to get sanctions against Iran at the UN.
Even if Ahmedinejad agreed to further talks and allows the IAEA access to the new plant, would that be enough to actually trust him. I am afraid that Obama is too naieve in dealing with such an obvious liar and dissembler. The only approach is toughness, and if Iran is to be stopped short of actually developing nuclear weapons, then the sanctions must be implemented soon and must be strong. Only a degree of difficulty domestically that brings the future of the regime into doubt could do anything to deter them. Sanctions that include currency restrictions, reduced refined oil imports and crude oil exports as well as any other materiel of military use, can be expected to work.
In order for this the Russians must be on board, and it seems that they are, given that Obama cancelled the anti-missile system that was to have been deployed in Poland. At the UN Pres. Medvedev was friendly and positive and will probably cooperate on sanctions. Hopefully if Russia does then China will not want to be the odd man out and will also cooperate.
So it remains to be seen what happens next week. Will the west continue to allow Iran to string them along with minor concessions and a lot of talk, or will they grasp the nettle and finally take firm action. If they don't then the possibility of an Israeli air strike becomes more likely.


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