Israel-German relations
This week PM Bibi Netanyahu took some of his Cabinet to Germany for a joint meeting with Chancellor Merkel and her Cabinet. What a historic turn-around, could any of the victims of the Holocaust ever have imagined it back in the dark days over 65 years ago?
It is a fact that Germany as a whole, as well as its Government is one of the most pro-Israel in the EU, for good reasons, not least being guilt. But, they also have good relations with the Palestinians, now that they support the underdog, and so have played a useful role as intermediaries, such as in the case of Cpl. Gilad Schalit held hostage by Hamas in Gaza.
In a recent poll carried out by The Israel Project (TIP) and the European Jewish Congress focused more on Iran, it was found that:
80 percent of Germans believe the international community should prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.
85 percent of Germans say it is important for Germany to do more to stop anti-Semitic attacks.
81 percent think the Palestinians should negotiate with Israel now.
80 percent support a ban on weapons sales to Iran; and 75 percent say Germany should support the democratic opposition in Iran.
These results are surprising in themselves considering the general left-wing bias of Western Germany and the right-wing bias of Eastern Germany. But, they make a good basis for agreement between the two Governments, Nevertheless, Germany does not like to play a leading role in any of the Middle Eastern conflicts, not only do they prefer to stay in the background for historical reasons, but they also still have strong economic ties to Iran, so it is a problem for them.
Defense Secty. Ehud Barak joined the Cabinet in Germany after his brief visit to Turkey. Although he seemed to have mended some fences there, nevertheless PM Erdogan has issued a request to visit Gaza, which cannot be a good sign for Turkey-Israel relations.
It is a fact that Germany as a whole, as well as its Government is one of the most pro-Israel in the EU, for good reasons, not least being guilt. But, they also have good relations with the Palestinians, now that they support the underdog, and so have played a useful role as intermediaries, such as in the case of Cpl. Gilad Schalit held hostage by Hamas in Gaza.
In a recent poll carried out by The Israel Project (TIP) and the European Jewish Congress focused more on Iran, it was found that:
80 percent of Germans believe the international community should prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.
85 percent of Germans say it is important for Germany to do more to stop anti-Semitic attacks.
81 percent think the Palestinians should negotiate with Israel now.
80 percent support a ban on weapons sales to Iran; and 75 percent say Germany should support the democratic opposition in Iran.
These results are surprising in themselves considering the general left-wing bias of Western Germany and the right-wing bias of Eastern Germany. But, they make a good basis for agreement between the two Governments, Nevertheless, Germany does not like to play a leading role in any of the Middle Eastern conflicts, not only do they prefer to stay in the background for historical reasons, but they also still have strong economic ties to Iran, so it is a problem for them.
Defense Secty. Ehud Barak joined the Cabinet in Germany after his brief visit to Turkey. Although he seemed to have mended some fences there, nevertheless PM Erdogan has issued a request to visit Gaza, which cannot be a good sign for Turkey-Israel relations.
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