Sunday, April 25, 2010

The false religion of Mideast peace

Aaron David Miller, an American Jewish expert on the Middle East and an advisor to Republican and Democratic Secretaries of State for the past 20 years, has finally seen the light! He has published an article in Foreign Policy magazine entitled "The false religion of Mideast peace: and why I am no longer a believer."

I used to see Dr. Miller hanging around in the background at Mideast peace conferences and I used to despise him. He was not alone, there are a whole coterie of such Jewish advisors, including Dennis Ross and former US Ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk and today we have Rahm Emanuel and David Axelrod. As an American Jew myself I regarded them as little better than traitors, clever ones of course, but "court Jews" able to argue that they knew what was best for the Jewish state and so could advise their bosses how to handle Israel and its leaders.

But, surprise, surprise, when they leave office they suddenly revert and become great supporters of Israel and then write books and articles on how wrong they were, unfortunately, when they had the ear of the US President. As an example, Dennis Ross admitted in his 2004 memoir "The Missing Peace:the inside story of the fight for Middle East peace," that he routinely paid Arafat bribe money in order to try to get him to make an agreement, but it didn't work. Now Miller has also come clean, and lo and behold he admits that all those years he was wrong, he was pushing a "peace process" that was illusory. Now I and many others could have told these gentlemen that they were wrong at the time, that Arafat would never make a deal, however much he was bribed, and that there never was any real peace process with the Palestinians because they are incapable of making peace as they are currently constituted. But, at the time they were the "experts" and I and my colleagues were merely "pro-Israel."

In his article Miller admits that Bibi Netanyahu once told him "You live in Chevy Chase (an affluent suburb of Washington), don't play with our future." That is the problem, these supposed expert American Jews thinking that they can pressure Israel in order to get the Arabs to make an agreement. And that is precisly what we have now, with Senator Mitchell fronting for Pres. Obama, Secty of State Clinton and their Jewish and non-Jewish advisors, including Dennis Ross, Martin Indyk, Rahm Emanuel, David Axelrod, Zbigniew Brczynski and others. Indyk has recently excelled himself by warning Israel to accept Obama's dictates. Given that Miller now concludes after 20 years of experience that there is no hope for a so-called "peace process" he advises that "the last thing that Obama needs now is an on-going fight with the Israelis and their supporters, or worse a major foreign policy failure." Michael Oren in "Power, faith and fantasy," his comprehensive history of "America in the Middle East," concludes that "The attempts of every president, starting with Truman, to resolve the Arab-Israel dispute tended to tarnish, rather then burnish, America's image in the area." Obama take note!

(original article at: )


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