Friday, August 17, 2012

Attack on Iran?

I expect to wake up one morning and find that Israel has attacked Iran.  Note that Israel will act only if there is no other option and only as a last resort.  The attack will be followed by worldwide condemnation, but every one will know that it was a necessity for Israel to prevent Iran achieving a nuclear weapon. The attack will not only be on Iran's nuclear sites, but first there will be a general attack that takes out Iran's radar capability to "see" what is going on.  Also, Iranian airfields will be put out of action and probably Iranian National Guard barracks. There will also be a combined cyber attack on all Iranian computer systems so that Iran will be brought to an effective stop.  Only then will it be safe for Israel to destroy the nuclear facilities. 
Whether or not the US supports such an attack or merely stands aside remains a mystery.  No-one expects the US currently to support an actual attack on Iran, even though Pres. Obama has said "all options are on the table."  But he has shown no intention to actually implement this possibility, the USA remains passive in this respect.  Despite their threats, whether or not Iran will or can strike back is unknown; whether or not its proxies in Lebanon, Hizbollah, and in Gaza, Hamas, will actually blitz Israel with rockets is also a major unknown. Israel could be blanketed by thousands of missiles from the north and the south, but we assume the IDF has a strategy for dealing with that. It is also possible that the IAF will carry out preemptive strikes on the long-range missiles stores in both these entities, but such a secondary front could bring any war closer to the Israelis themselves. 
Nevertheless, both Hamas in Gaza and Hizbollah in Lebanon both have major problems now.  Hamas is under pressure from the Egyptian regime of Muslim Brotherhood President Mursi for the terrorism that is now endemic in Sinai and for the recent specific attack on an Egyptian border post that killed 16 Egyptian soldiers.  In response, Mursi has closed off the tunnels from Sinai to Gaza and closed the Rafiah border post that is the main crossing point between Gaza and Egypt.  Note, that although Hamas is Sunni Muslim and is an offshoot of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, because of the support that it accepts from Iran, when there are clashes between Hamas and Fatah, the Fatah fighters shout "Shia, Shia," which is an insult to the Sunni Hamas fighters. Hamas is in the difficult process of switching support from Shia Iran to Sunni Egypt, but this may not be as successful since Egypt is no state to really support it in the way it has become accustomed to from Iran.
Hizbollah in Lebanon is also in difficulties.  Because of the chaos in Syria due to the civil war raging there, neither Syria nor Iran can any longer supply Hizbollah with arms and ammunition as they did in the past.  Sheikh Nasrullah knows that if he unleashes his cache of missiles into Israel he will not be able to replace them, and he also knows from his experience in the Second Lebanon War of 2006 that if he does attack Israel the IDF will essentially destroy his capabilites and his infrastructure.  So he has a difficult choice to make, either support Iran and fight, but probably be crushed again by Israel, or keep quiet and retain his weaponry and his control. Similarly Haniyeh of Hamas knows that if he attacks Israel, Hamas will be crushed again as it was in Operation Cast Lead of 2008. 
PM Netanyahu seems to be convinced that such an attack on Iran is essential for Israel's survival and even if it only delays the Iranian nuclear capability that may be enough to change the overall situation.  There might even be a change of regime in Iran as a result. The outcome of an Israeli attack on Iran is definitely dangerous and certainly unpredictable. 


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