Ban Ban
Secty Gen of the UN Ban-ki Moon visited Israel after the
Gaza Donor's Conference in Cairo and met with PM Netanyahu. Ban made
several statements in his comments that are at least questionable if not
factually incorrect:
1. Israel occupies Gaza: Israel does NOT occupy
Gaza, there is not one Israeli soldier or civilian within the borders ot Gaza.
This is pure Palestinian propaganda that officials such as Ban should not be
repeating. Since the disengagement policy of PM Sharon in 2005, all Israeli
presence was removed from Gaza. Israel does have a blockade of Gaza,
that is obviously necessary in view of the recent actions of Hamas firing
missiles into Israeli territory and digging attack tunnels under the Israeli
border. Such a blockade is legal under international law. Israel allows food,
drugs and building materials into Gaza, but only after they have been checked
for illicit weapons and missiles.
2. Israeli settlements are illegal under international
law: This is not true, the settlements in the West Bank are legal because
the West Bank was intended under the British Mandate to be part of the Jewish
State. Its occupation by Jordan between 1948-1967 was illegal and not
recognized by international law. There has been no Arab or Palestinian
sovereignty over the West Bank ever, since the British defeated the Turks in WWI
and were awarded a Mandate by the League of Nations in 1922 to establish a
Jewish Homeland in Palestine (nothing was said about an Arab State in
Palestine). Therefore, absent a negotiated agreement, Israel has the right to
build settlements in what is at most disputed territory. However, some of the
so-called settlements are actually suburbs of Jerusalem that was integrated into
Israel in 1967.
3. Israel is acting provocatively on the Temple
Mount: Actually Israeli forces are acting against the provocations of
Palestinian rioters who are throwing stones and Molotov cocktails at Israeli
worshippers below them at the Western Wall and preventing visitors from
ascending to the Temple Mount. The police fought pitched battles with hundreds
of rioters and eventually managed to lock them within the Mosque complex, while
some were arrested. This culminates a period of months in which the police have
been criticized for allowing the Palestinian demonstrators to take over areas of
the Temple Mount and continually prevent Israelis from praying and visiting
4. Netanyahu criticized the use of UN
facilties in Gaza by Hamas: He stated that the UN is not acting vigorously
to prevent UN facilties, including UNRWA schools and storage facilities, from
being used as stores for Hamas missiles and also being used as firing points for
Hamas missiles against Israeli civilian targets. Hamas uses UN centers filled
with civilians as human shields in its attacks.
Overall one can see that the UN Secty Gen. is a shill for
the Palestinian/Arab position and although he pays lip service to the fact that
Israel is and has been a recognized member of the UN for 66 years, he speaks and
acts as an advocate for the Palestinians. So much for the UN itself and its
supposed system of international legitimacy.
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