Sunday, June 25, 2006


In an article entitled "Jews Are Under Siege: A Call For Action" published in the "Jewish Week," Charles Jacobs and Seth A. Klarman argue that Jews are now in a substantially worse situation than they have been previously since WWII. They argue that the following events are symptomatic of this deterioration: "Iran’s nuclear threats and Holocaust denial, Hamas’ electoral victory, the torture and murder of Ilan Halimi in Paris by a Muslim gang, the “discovery” by a Harvard dean that Jews actually do conspire to control Congress and American foreign policy in the service of Israel and to the detriment of U.S. interests, and the British academic boycott."
Behind this deterioration of the Jewish situation is the development of a movement that is important in Western culture and history, that can be called "Palestinianism." Believers in this political/religious movement are mainly of two types:
1. Anti-Semitic Islamists who regard all negative aspects of life as being due to a Jewish conspiracy. Of course, they believe that the Jewish State must be "wiped off the map." While they would not admit it, this view is largely derived from the prior Christian anti-Semitism of Nazism and Fascism that was so fashionable in Europe only 60 years ago. As an example, we can quote the media adviser to Pres. Ahmedinejad of Iran, who attributed the avian bird flu crisis, the AIDS epidemic, and the SARS virus all to Jewish interference. Admittedly this is screwy, but no more so than the beliefs of the Nazis that motivated them to murder millions of Jews.
2. Western liberals and leftists who believe that the Palestinians are the most exploited and suppressed people on earth, that the Israelis/Jews occupy their lands, and attack them without provocation. It is for this reason that they single out Israel for condemnation of all the countries in the world. They ignore North Korea, that is starving its population while developing nuclear weapons, China that has invaded and incorporated Tibet, and Sudan that is committing genocide (according to the UN) in Darfur, and they spend most of their time attacking Israel. Don't they know that Israel is a liberal democracy with a "rainbow" population? But, of course they don't care about this, because their minds are made up by ideology and PR. People who take this position, such as Paul Mackney, general secretary of the former Natfhe Union, I called a "liberal fascist" (his father saved the lives of Jews in WWII while he dimwittedly helped to murder them). According to most of them the Palestinians have the "moral high-ground" and that includes Hamas, which is a virulently anti-Western terrorist party, and the many others groups that have been carrying out suicide bombings against Israeli civilians. But, all of this is justified because of the "occupation," a semi-mystical concept (Israel does not "occupy" Gaza or the PA in the West Bank). And when we build a "wall" to protect ourselves form the terrorists they attack us for it, but there is hardly a mumur about the "wall" the US is building on the Mexican border. And when we kill their terrorist leaders they complain of "targeted assassinations," but hardly a murmur was heard when the US obliterated al-Zarqawi, head of Iraqi al Qaeda, because that was justified.
The strange coalition between these two groups, exemplified by the so-called anti-War demonstrations in the UK and elsewhere, has brought about the birth of a "religion" which has the following attributes, 1. The Palestinian people are morally pure and can do no wrong in the legitimate pursuit of their goals (in other words violence is justified, but only in their case). 2. It is axiomatic that there should be a Palestinain State, and everything in the world must be secondary to that goal. 3. The Palestinian people are suffering and desperate, and this justifies their "armed struggle" against the "apartheid" "colonialist" Jewish State of Israel. 4. Once the Palestinians have their State at the expense of Israel, a period of peace and tranquility will transpire in the world (like the coming of the Messiah) during which all other problems will quickly be solved.
Admittedly these beliefs are equally screwy, but they are fervently believed by a large proportion of the Western liberal elite, and amount to an irrational "religion" that supplements all their other beliefs. Future historians will recognize this as a valid religious movement, without rational foundation, that motivated many well-meaning people in the West to act in opposition to their own interests.
Those who were finally hit by "9/11" in the US, by "7/7" in the UK, by the train bombings in Madrid, by the Bali bombings, etc. etc. have come to recognize a fatal contradiction in their worldview. They support the poor Palestinians, but the Palestinians elected Hamas as its government, which is an Islamist anti-western terrorist organization (see their web site), that supports the aims and methods of al Qaeda, that supports killing innocent civilians in their own country. So what to do? That's your problem, but wake up and smell the aroma - it ain't roses!


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