Thursday, June 08, 2006

A good day in Iraq

Today marked a good day in Iraq and around the world in the war against terrorism. The killing of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi marks a possible turning point in the insurrection in Iraq. Since he was the leader of al Qaeda in Iraq, and organized many of the kidnappings and suicide bombings there, his removal will hopefully reduce the effectiveness of the insurrection.
His strategy was to kill as many Shia as possible in order to induce their sectarian reaction against the Sunnis in order to foment a civil war. But, mainly due to the influence of the Shia Imam al Sistani, who preached against violent response, his strategy has not worked so far, even though there have been some sectarian killings and expulsions on both sides.
Today was also a good day because the three most important positions in the new Iraqi Cabinet were filled, those of Defense, Foreign Policy, and Security. It has taken months of negotiations in order to arrive at this point, and fortuitously it happened on the same day that Zarqawi was eliminated.
One notable aspect of Zarqawi's death was the role played by the Jordanian secret service (Mukhabarat). Jordan is very much a controlled society and has a very effective secret police. The attack on a hotel wedding a few months ago in which many Jordanians were killed was organized by Zarqawi, who is of Jordanian-Palestinian origin. He had a particular obsession with overthrowing the monarchy in Jordan, as part of the process of bringing about an Islamic revolution. This is similar to the focus of Osama bin Laden on Saudi Arabia. The demise of Zarqawi may give Jordan a little breathing space from the fear of direct attacks, although Hamas also tried to set up a murder squad there against the monarchy.
Today also PM Olmert visited Jordan and met with King Abdullah, and assured him that Israel will not implement his realignment plan without consulting him. He is nervous because they fear that if Israel separates itself unilaterally from the West Bank and withdraws behind the security fence, then the Palestinians will then focus their attention on him.
There is a significant difference in focus between al Qaeda and Hamas, although they share the same overall goal of establishing an Islamic Caliphate over the whole world. As far as Hamas is concerned its focus is on Israel, remove Israel and the rest of the West will gradually capitulate, especially since every one knows that the Zionists control American foreign policy and that's why the US supports Israel. By, contrast, al Qaeda sees the opposite relationship, America is the great enemy, that controls everything in the world, including the Israeli Government which does its bidding. In order to realize its proper dominant position Islam must first destroy America, and then Islam can spread all over the earth without real opposition.
The fact that Zarqawi was killed by a US air strike, with the cooperation of Iraqi forces and Jordanian intelligence is a very good thing. Even though noone expects the insurrection in Iraq to immediately show the effects of this loss to the enemy, a severe blow has been dealt to the forces of international Islamist terrorism. Next Osama?!


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