An edited version of this letter appeared in the J'sam Post on 4/7/6:
Dear Sir:
In his typically disingenuous article "Too confused to surrender," by former Clinton Administration Middle East expert Dennis Ross, we find some unbelievable claims. That the Hamas Government is "too confused to surrender," that if the international community funded a security force of 10,000 men Pres. Abbas could stabilize the PA, or that if the UN Security Council passed a resolution delegitimizing all attacks from Gaza against Israel that such attacks would stop. But, most incredible is the statement that "Even in terms of the Palestinian narrative, there is no conceivable justification for attacks out of Gaza once occupation had ended." Where has the author been? Israeli occupation of Gaza ended a year ago, yet attacks have continued all the time. So this author fails to understand the "Palestinian narrative" that drives such attacks, namely their basic belief that Israel should not exist, that Israel has "occupied" Palestine, and that it is an illegitimate State. This is the Palestinian narrative that the writer conveniently ignores, as he did when in office, when he sugar-coated Palestinian actions by deliberately ignoring their real intent (as he has admitted in relation to the late Pres. Arafat). The fact is that the Palestinian people elected the terrorist Hamas by a majority, support suicide bombing against Israeli civilians and the taking of Israeli hostages. Dennis Ross is too confused to recognize these basic facts.
Jack Cohen
The article by Dennis Ross "Too confused to surrender" is attached (it was not available on the J. Post site).
Dear Sir:
In his typically disingenuous article "Too confused to surrender," by former Clinton Administration Middle East expert Dennis Ross, we find some unbelievable claims. That the Hamas Government is "too confused to surrender," that if the international community funded a security force of 10,000 men Pres. Abbas could stabilize the PA, or that if the UN Security Council passed a resolution delegitimizing all attacks from Gaza against Israel that such attacks would stop. But, most incredible is the statement that "Even in terms of the Palestinian narrative, there is no conceivable justification for attacks out of Gaza once occupation had ended." Where has the author been? Israeli occupation of Gaza ended a year ago, yet attacks have continued all the time. So this author fails to understand the "Palestinian narrative" that drives such attacks, namely their basic belief that Israel should not exist, that Israel has "occupied" Palestine, and that it is an illegitimate State. This is the Palestinian narrative that the writer conveniently ignores, as he did when in office, when he sugar-coated Palestinian actions by deliberately ignoring their real intent (as he has admitted in relation to the late Pres. Arafat). The fact is that the Palestinian people elected the terrorist Hamas by a majority, support suicide bombing against Israeli civilians and the taking of Israeli hostages. Dennis Ross is too confused to recognize these basic facts.
Jack Cohen
The article by Dennis Ross "Too confused to surrender" is attached (it was not available on the J. Post site).
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