Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Summer Rains

Operation Summer Rains, the name of the Israeli incursion into Gaza, continues and is gradually expanding. Tanks and armored vehicles entered northern Gaza in order to destroy rocket workshops and terrorists involved in firing rockets. Yesterday one terrorist was killed in north Gaza while firing at IDF forces and three were killed in southern Gaza. So far in a week of military activities miraculously no Palestinian civilians have been killed.
"The Government of Israel calls upon the US Government to exercise restraint in its military campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan. Every single military action must be monitored for danger to civilian lives. The lives of every Iraqi and Afghani are as precious as those of American troops. They should especially avoid bombing houses where parties are in progress (taking into account that shooting is usual at such celebrations), they should be careful to prevent rapes, and the vengeful killing of civilians because of the death of US servicemen." Actually, no such statement was issued by the Israeli Government, but isn't it the height of hypocrisy for the US to tell Israel how it should conduct its military actions when the IDF is far more careful and conscientious about avoiding civilian casualties than the US evidently is (there are two trials of soldiers currently ongoing in the US). We could also say the same about the British and Canadians (in Somalia members of the Canadian Army organized a sex ring that killed children in order to prevent them talking).
Israel Air Force Chief Major General Eliezer Shkedy told the Jerusalem Post: "If we know that [the terrorist] is holding his son's hand, we do not fire. Even if the terrorist is in the midst of firing a Kassam, and the Kassam is aimed to kill. We do not fire. You should know that. And that's a fearsome thing." I resent that, if it means saving the life of an Israeli citizen, something the Israeli Government is supposed to be doing, then I want the IDF to fire even in those circumstances. If a terrorist chooses to endanger the life of his own child, let him face the consequences. It has been reported that in the past few days the PA radio station (controlled by the Government) is broadcasting appeals to children (!) to become "shaheeds" (martyrs) against the Israeli forces. One of them features Mohammed al-Dura, the boy whose shooting was faked at the outbreak of the intifada.
Bear in mind one significant fact when comparing the reactions of our governments to the challenge of terrorism. Iraq is 10,000 km from Washington and 4,000 km from London, but Gaza is 100 km (yes only 100!) from Netanya. What would you do if this were happening in your backyard. I am sure that the US or British Governments would not stand by patiently as Israel has while its territory is being bombarded by rockets.
The Swiss Government has criticized Israel for "not protecting civilians in Gaza" and claims that this is contrary to the Geneva Accords. However, no such criticism has been voiced of all other military actions, including those of the US and British in Iraq and Afghanistan, and of the Palestinians, who clearly carried out illegal acts of war when they bombarded Israeli cities and attacked an IDF post on Israeli territory. Apart from the fact that Geneva is in Switzerland, the Swiss Government has no unique right to decide who is or is not breaking these accords, and this statement is totally hypocritical in that it ignores the fact that Israel is supplying Gaza with most of the electricity, water, food and gasoline that it receives (even while Israel is being attacked by them) and that the Israel Government allowed 50 truckloads of goods to enter Gaza in the past two days thru the Karni checkpoint. Not only that, one should remember that the oh-so-superior Swiss, during WWII traded with the Nazis, accepting gold known to have been stolen from European Jews, and forcibly repatriated Jews to Germany knowing that they would be murdered. After the war they also deliberately prevented Jews who had survived the camps from collecting funds from their own bank accounts.
Meanwhile the so-called ultimatum of the terrorists holding Gilad Shalit ran out. There is no news now whether or not he is dead or alive. The Israeli Government refuses to be blackmailed by terrorists


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