Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Anfal campaign

After the guilty verdict in his trial for the Dujail massacre in which 148 Shia men, women and children were murdered by Saddam Hussein and his associates following an attempt on his life there, Saddam is undergoing another trial. This is for the Anfal campaign, a campaign of Arabization of the Kurdish region of Iraq which took place between 1986-9 in which approximately 182,000 Kurds were massacred. This was one of the greatest crimes of the 20th century, although very little is known about it in the West.
Following the first Gulf War, Saddam decided that the Kurds were too rebellious and he ordered his troops to secretly attack large areas of the Kurdish region of northern Iraq, with the aim of totally wiping out the Kurdish population there and replacing them with Sunni Arabs. In doing so the Iraqi Army used ruthless "ethnic cleaning," literally murdering whole villages, including burying thousands alive in pits dug by bulldozers. During the Anfal campaign, the Iraqi government:
destroyed about 4,000 villages in Iraqi Kurdistan, executed approximately 182,000 men, women, and children and destroyed 1,754 schools, 270 hospitals, 2,450 mosques, and 27 churches. All of this will be brought up in evidence at his second trial which is already ongoing while his appeal against his death sentence in the Dujail trial is being considered.
One aspect of the Anfal campaign that is little noted is that it represents a further expansion, an imperialism, of the Arab world. It was not chance that lead Saddam to choose to "Arabize" the Kurdish region. If he had not been stopped he would have gone on to massacre in truly genocidal fashion the whole Kurdish population, just as he eliminated the Shia marsh Arabs in the south of Iraq by deliberately drying up their water sources (they have only recently been restored).
Another example of Arabization is the Darfur crisis, where some 200,000 black Muslims have been massacred and ca. 2 million have been displaced by the Sudanese Army and their accomplices the Janjaweed militias. These are acting as Arabs in expanding the area of Arab control, at the expense of ethnic cleansing of non-Arab Muslims. This follows the former war in south Sudan against black non-Muslims that took over a million lives in ca. 20 years of fighting.
Yet another location where the Arabs seek to remove a contiguous non-Arab minority is Israel. The main difference is that Israel is a sovereign State, recognized as a member of the UN, and no pushover militarily. Although we are still being bombarded by Kassam rockets in the South, one landed today in Ashkelon, the IDF just pulled out of Beit Hanun, after killing ca. 50 Palestinians in five days of the operation, of which the vast majority were terrorist gunmen. Today the organizer of the women who surrounded the mosque where the gunmen were holed up a few days ago and helped them to escape dressed as women was killed together with an Islamic Jihad leader when her house was destroyed.
This imperialist Arab mentality unfortunately is an integral part of Islam. They cannot give up any territory that was ever Arab/Muslim and seek to expand all the time. Other places where they have claims are Nigeria, where there is constant Muslim anti-Christian violence, Kashmir, south Phillippines, and Spain. One can predict further attempts to undermine the Governments of those countries. The Anfal campaign was an extreme case, but it was not an aberration.


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