The Rabin syndrome
The "Rabin syndrome" is a well characterized psychological mechanism whereby anyone who is assassinated becomes by virtue of his untimely death a veritable saint (remember Kennedy). Now after 11 years, the commemoration of Rabin's death this week at Rabin Square in Tel Aviv has sunk to new lows. It was presided over by his daughter Dalia Rabin-Filosof, who decreed that no politicians would speak there, because politicians are too self-serving. But, two were allowed on the podium, Defense Minister Amir Peretz, Head of Labor, whose popularity has sunk to a new low of only 14%, and the ubiquitous Dep. PM Shimon Peres, who is now running for the post of President.
The main speaker, apart from Rabin-Filosof herself, was David Grossman, a well-known leftist Israeli writer. He spoke in extreme terms about how the past Sharon and the present Olmert Governments have deliberately avoided making peace with the Palestinians and with Syria, who both have said they want negotiations, but the Government (being so right-wing) deliberately avoids negotiating with them. What absolute nonsense! When the whole world, including our good friends the EU, the UN and Russia, as part of the Quartet, have agreed not to talk to the PA Hamas Government until it recognizes Israel's right to exist, he conveniently ignores this reality. Grossman has earned some respect because his son was killed in the Lebanon war fighting Hizbollah. I am amazed that he did not suggest that Israel open negotiations with them.
But, what was most disconcerting about this Rabin Commemoration is that Rabin was never this left-wing. It has been co-opted by ultra-leftists, with Rabin-Filosof's connivance, as a place for mainly youth to go to be indoctrinated by Meretz policies. Rabin would be turning in his grave. During the bulk of his life he was a military man, organizing the IDF to ensure Israel's survival. And Labor at that time was far from the Party to which it has now sunk.
Even the national commemoration of Rabin's death at the President's House in Jerusalem was controversial. It was boycotted by most MKs and politicians who did not attend as a protest against the presence of Pres. Katsav, who is close to being indicted on charges of rape, sexual harrassment, illegal wire-tapping and selling pardons! Not exactly the kind of situation conducive to a dignified ceremony.
Unfortunately, like other politicians when they reach a ripe age, like Sharon too, they suddenly revert to a pacifist line, as if that will somehow ensure their name for posterity. Rabin made two unforgivable errors, he brought Arafat back from obscurity in Tunis to be head of the PA, and he accepted the plan of his chief rival Peres, and his malicious former assistant Yossi Beilin who is now head of Meretz, that lead to the Oslo Accords. So from now on we can predict that the legacy of Rabin will be dissipated, since it is no longer recognizable in the form in which it is being exploited.
The main speaker, apart from Rabin-Filosof herself, was David Grossman, a well-known leftist Israeli writer. He spoke in extreme terms about how the past Sharon and the present Olmert Governments have deliberately avoided making peace with the Palestinians and with Syria, who both have said they want negotiations, but the Government (being so right-wing) deliberately avoids negotiating with them. What absolute nonsense! When the whole world, including our good friends the EU, the UN and Russia, as part of the Quartet, have agreed not to talk to the PA Hamas Government until it recognizes Israel's right to exist, he conveniently ignores this reality. Grossman has earned some respect because his son was killed in the Lebanon war fighting Hizbollah. I am amazed that he did not suggest that Israel open negotiations with them.
But, what was most disconcerting about this Rabin Commemoration is that Rabin was never this left-wing. It has been co-opted by ultra-leftists, with Rabin-Filosof's connivance, as a place for mainly youth to go to be indoctrinated by Meretz policies. Rabin would be turning in his grave. During the bulk of his life he was a military man, organizing the IDF to ensure Israel's survival. And Labor at that time was far from the Party to which it has now sunk.
Even the national commemoration of Rabin's death at the President's House in Jerusalem was controversial. It was boycotted by most MKs and politicians who did not attend as a protest against the presence of Pres. Katsav, who is close to being indicted on charges of rape, sexual harrassment, illegal wire-tapping and selling pardons! Not exactly the kind of situation conducive to a dignified ceremony.
Unfortunately, like other politicians when they reach a ripe age, like Sharon too, they suddenly revert to a pacifist line, as if that will somehow ensure their name for posterity. Rabin made two unforgivable errors, he brought Arafat back from obscurity in Tunis to be head of the PA, and he accepted the plan of his chief rival Peres, and his malicious former assistant Yossi Beilin who is now head of Meretz, that lead to the Oslo Accords. So from now on we can predict that the legacy of Rabin will be dissipated, since it is no longer recognizable in the form in which it is being exploited.
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