Friday, February 16, 2007

Taking score

There are so many groups that have come forward currently to harm us in so many ways and usually so irrationally, that one wonders what is wrong with them all:
1. Hamas, the primary Palestinian enemy, has announced in advance of the formation of the PA Unity Government with Fatah, that was negotiated in the Mecca Agreement, that they will not recognize Israel's right to exist! So it seems that Hamas has won, that Fatah agreed to a Unity Government without the conditions set by the Quartet being accepted. So the PA will not be able to receive international support, although this might be replaced by some Saudi support. The US has announced that since the Unity Government has not made the essential changes expected they will not deal with it!
2. Independent Jewish Voices, is a group of ca. 100 liberal-leftist British Jews who took out an ad in their favorite newspaper, "The Guardian," against Israel. Basically it accuses Israel of human rights violations against Palestinians and other terrible things. They are pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel and are basically traitors to the cause of fostering the Jewish State. They claim that criticism of Israel is suppressed within the Jewish community, but this is nonsense, and they are not even affiliated to the Jewish community. There is plenty of disagreement over policies of Israeli Governments in diaspora Jewry, as there is in Israel, but undermining the existence of the State is another matter. Fortunately they are mostly actors and hangers-on whose opinions matter little to most Jews and non-Jews.
3. The Mughrabi Ramp opponents, are mostly extreme Muslims and their supporters who are prepared to lie and cheat in order to defame the Jewish State in any way. The fact is that the rebuilding of the ramp to the Mughrabi gate to the Temple Mount in no way impinges on the Mosques there. Today the Antiquities authority have opened four cameras full time on their site ( click English version) showing progress on the work there. Of course, there is no basis for these complaints, but that hasn't stopped them demonstrating throughout the Muslim world. But, these demonstrations and complaints will die down, not only because the construction work has been postponed for more public input, but also because the facts simply don't support the outrageous claims of the rioters.
4. The Blood Libel book, written by Ariel Toaff in Italian claims that there "might" be some truth to the Christian libel that Jews used human blood, notably that of children, in the making of Matzo. This is so ridiculous that it beggars belief. The fact that Toaff took the verbatim accounts of Jews that were extracted under torture as true makes one suspect that his level of scholarship is highly questionable. The fact that he is the son of the Rabbi of Rome makes one incredulous that he now claims to be surprised by the fuss made over his supposedly "academic" book, and that he is shocked that anti-Semites might use his book in their propaganda. He has now decided to withdraw the book for re-editing. Maybe he is another self-hating Jew who wanted to get back at his father, but this really makes one wonder at Jewish self-destructiveness. Those who want to protest this author should write to Bar-Ilan University and ask them to dismiss him from their doctoral program.
5. The Apartheid claim, once again raises its ugly head, encouraged by the anti-Israel book of Jimmy Carter, the worst President the US had in modern times, who essentially singlehandeedly lost Iran. An Israel "apartheid" week is planned in the UK, with the usual Jewish left-wing suspects. That Israel is not an "apartheid state" is obvious to anyone who comes here or reads the newspaper. Not only do we have Arabs in the Knesset, the Universities and everywhere, who take strongly anti-Israel positions, but we have tens of thousands of black Ethiopians and more are coming in every week. There is also a large immigrant community of foreign workers from Nigeria, the Phillipines and Thailand. The charge is so far from the truth that most people ignore it.
So although these groups and claims are made against the State by our bitter and irrational opponents they do very little actual harm because they are so wrong. The truth will out!


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