Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Which Palestinians?

This letter appeared in the "International Herald Tribune" 5/2/7:
Dear Sir:
To those of you who support the Palestinians in their conflict with Israel, the question now is which Palestinians do you support? Is it the good old Fatah, the nationalist forces that have been the traditional foe of Israel, but that have at least moved a small step towards recognizing Israel, or is it the newer forces of Hamas that are intransigent regarding their non-recognition of the Jewish State. While the former under Pres. Abbas are supported by the West (EU and US), the latter under PM Haniyeh are supported by the revolutionary forces of Syria and Iran. Therefore, this civil war is a war by proxy between Iran and the West.
Many of us are bemused by the statements of supposedly knowlegeable people that there is a "window of opportunity" for peace between Israel and the Palestinians. On what planet are these people operating. In the real world the so-called peace process is further away than ever. Until the Palestinians end their civil war, stop terrorism and agree to recognize the sovereign State of Israel, there can be no window of opportunity and no peace.
Jack Cohen
Netanya, Israel
I made an error in my report about Haim Ramon's kissing case: the young woman was no longer 18, she was at the end of her Army service and was a 21 year old officer! Also, Ramon was convicted of "an indecent act." Several people have pointed out that everyone knows that if you want to kiss a subordinate you do it in private - bad judgement by a Justice Minister.


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