Monday, January 29, 2007

Oh, Pioneer!

Everywhere one goes in Israel there is evidence of building and development. In every city there are cranes showing sites of highrises, either residential or commercial. Industrial quarters are mushrooming from every city, Petah Tikva, Netanya, Rehovot, Ra'anana, etc. It's all very modern and impressive and testifies to the strength of the Israeli economy.
But, there is a downside to this development, and I don't mean the usual criticism of "over" development, the proliferation of concrete and glass, taking orchards and greenery from this small, densely populated country. What is happening is an intense internalization of development, while empty land sits waiting for pioneers to develop it, and they cannot because the Government and the people have changed course.
There was an interesting article in the Jerusalem Post this weekend entitled "The Great Drift" by Erica Chernofsky comparing the role of pioneers in the early days of the Jewish settlement (1930-40s) to that nowadays. In the early days, even before independence, the pioneers who went out and settled barren land (where there were no or few Arabs) were considered brave and resourceful men and women, who were establishing the contours of the State. They were left-wing idealists who founded kibbutzim (most of which have now failed). Today in the 2000's pioneers are called "settlers" and this is considered a pejorative term. Now they are considered right wing fanatics who are endangering the State by taking land that "should" belong to the Palestinians Arabs, and by doing so are making a peaceful solution to the conflict more difficult. In other words, to use the current liberal jargon, they are contributing to the "occupation" that is the main justification for Arab violence against Jews.
But, wait a minute. In Gaza there is a civil war going on. This past weekend ca. 25 Arabs were killed by other Arabs, including a baby and a child. So which Arabs are our settlers upsetting. Well, its all of them, or both camps, Fatah and Hamas. But, its noteworthy that not being able to attack and kill us, they are now attacking and killing each other. The pretense of a negotation towards a Unity Government has been dropped, and the fighting is more intense and vicious. In many Arab places and situations there are at least two sides fighting it out, in Iraq, in Lebanon, and now in "Palestine." The question arises, is this people responsible enough to justify having their own State, and if you think they are, would you want it next to you?
It seems that neither side has the capability of destroying the other and taking over. Fatah could do it, but it would be a bloodbath, and Hamas are prepared for a bloodbath (as the extremists are doing in Iraq), but don't have the capability. So this internecine conflict is likely to go on, off and on, for a long time, with neither side coming out on top. In either case, both sides will support terrorism against Israel, since they have no other military capability, except rockets.
So we are kidding ourselves if we, Israelis, think that eventually there will be a peace partner that will negotiate with us in rational terms, agree on borders and settle the dispute. It ain't gonna happen! Get used to the idea. Since they can't destroy us, they are turning in on themselves, just as we are doing, although the manifestation is different. In their case it means destruction, while in ours it means intense internal development.
The West Bank can never be given to a Palestinian State (because of the vulnerability to rockets), short of an ideal peaceful settlement, which is nowhere on the cards. So instead, we must go back to the status quo ante (before the last intifada of 2000) that frightened many of us into a defensive crouch. We must continue the brave re-settlement of our land. If pioneers want to do that, let them. The IDF must protect them just as much as the Jews of Tel Aviv.
Such activity will expand the State, will protect its current citizens and be a much better use of the land than giving it over to a terrorist state in the making. Is that what the Europeans and the Americans want, an anti-Western, terrorist state that will be dedicated to destroying Israel and attacking them?
The corollary of trying to democratize the Middle East is not giving up land to the enemies of freedom loving Western civilization. Let Israel's drive for development be outward looking and not only internalized out of fear and self-deception.


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