Terrorism and subversion in Britain
Well, I was wrong, the perpetrators of the current wave of car bombs in the UK are not Pakistani immigrants or "home-grown" terrorists, but foreign-born Muslims. But does it make any practical difference? and the answer is no!
Of the hundreds of thousands of young men of Pakistani origin born in the UK, many go on trips to Pakistan. While there, some are recruited by al Qaeda and are taken to various training camps and given training in bomb preparation, military activities and subversion. This is almost identical to al Qaeda or other related groups training Muslim foreigners abroad and then sending them to the UK where they pass as innocent immigrants, often technically trained, such as medical doctors. It appears that the cell that carried out the attempted car bombings in London and Glasgow were in fact doctors, at least one from Jordan and another from Iraq. From their point of view it makes no difference where a Muslim comes from, Baghdad or Bristol, it only matters that they have been radicalized and believe in the need for a violent jihad against the West. And the UK has been chosen as the best target, the soft-underbelly of the West (where is Cherie Blair when we need her, I presume she still believes that suicide bombers are "desperate, poor" Palestinians, and she sympathizes with them).
According to reports in the media the counter-terrorism forces in the UK are monitoring ca. 200 cells of both British-born and foreign Muslims, 30 of them of imminent danger, consisting of ca. 1,600 individuals. Just as in the US, these people were ignored until they first struck, in the UK on 7/7/05. Since then the net has been widening. Of course, these extremists represent only a small proportion of the total Muslim population in Britain. But, as in any underground group, they swim in a sea of sympathizers. A poll taken of Muslims in the UK after 7/7 found that 34% agreed that killing "infidels" was justified. Compare this to ca. 65% of Palestinians who believe that killing Israeli civilians by suicide bombers is justified. Also, when the Red Guards were terrorizing Italy in the 1970s (they murdered former PM Aldo Moro), although they were a tiny group, they had an organization of thousands of strong supporters and perhaps a million and half active sympathizers. This is the only way such an underground group of small cells can function. Of course, the Communists used this approach too in their attempt to bring down the West.
One of the consequences of this approach is that Muslim extremist organizations have targeted campuses and unions in the West as ideal breeding grounds for expanding their support and ideology. Do you think it is purely coincidence that right now there is an active movement to boycott (only) Israeli academics and universities in the UK, and that Unions are also voting for and considering anti-Israel boycotts? Their program over the past 20 years of pouring money and people into the West has been very successful. This was also the strategy of the Communists, but they were far less successful.
In this respect, we must distinguish between extremist Shia and Sunni Islam. The Shias are organized from Iran, and are focussed mainly on extending the Iranian revolution through Shia populations in Iraq and Lebanon and pro-Shia groups in Syria, as well as sympathetic Palestinians, including Islamic Jihad and Hamas in Gaza. It is the extremist Sunni organization al Qaeda which believes in directly attacking the West by terrorism, and the Salafist/Wahhabi sponsors in Saudi Arabia that have bank-rolled the undermining of the West by subversion. They are the ones supporting the global jihad that is intended to overtake the West and the "moderate" pro-Western Arab regimes, and to substitute a world-wide Caliphate (note that the Shia oppose the idea of a Caliphate).
Just as with the Communists, it is the fellow-travellers of the left, and duped well-meaning liberals, who are taken in by the Muslim arguments. 'If only the West stopped supporting Israel, if only they withdrew from Iraq, if only they were more understanding of Muslim sensitivities, then none of these attacks would be necessary." Just give in and the terrorism will die away! This is the basis of the current anti-War movement in the UK.
But, as more attacks occur and as more people die (luckily none this time in the UK) the realization should dawn that this is all nonsense. That in fact the attacks would continue whatever the West does, whether or not they are accomodating to the Muslims. Who was seized in Gaza? Alan Johnston, of the BBC, the most pro-Palestinian journalist, the only one who could remain there, because he was so pro-Palestinian. They seek to murder Salman Rushdie, just as they did Theo van Gogh in Holland.
In fact, it makes no difference whether or not the Palestinians have a state or if there is by some miracle Israel-Palestinian peace, whatever Blair says. They would still claim that Israel is "occupying" their land. The fundamentalist Muslim war against the West began 1,000 years ago, and is driven by the strong resentment that Islamists feel that they are not predominant. They will fight until they are, or until they are completely defeated. Unfortunately the British are treating the current terrorist attacks as crimes, rather than as skirmishes in an on-going war.
Of the hundreds of thousands of young men of Pakistani origin born in the UK, many go on trips to Pakistan. While there, some are recruited by al Qaeda and are taken to various training camps and given training in bomb preparation, military activities and subversion. This is almost identical to al Qaeda or other related groups training Muslim foreigners abroad and then sending them to the UK where they pass as innocent immigrants, often technically trained, such as medical doctors. It appears that the cell that carried out the attempted car bombings in London and Glasgow were in fact doctors, at least one from Jordan and another from Iraq. From their point of view it makes no difference where a Muslim comes from, Baghdad or Bristol, it only matters that they have been radicalized and believe in the need for a violent jihad against the West. And the UK has been chosen as the best target, the soft-underbelly of the West (where is Cherie Blair when we need her, I presume she still believes that suicide bombers are "desperate, poor" Palestinians, and she sympathizes with them).
According to reports in the media the counter-terrorism forces in the UK are monitoring ca. 200 cells of both British-born and foreign Muslims, 30 of them of imminent danger, consisting of ca. 1,600 individuals. Just as in the US, these people were ignored until they first struck, in the UK on 7/7/05. Since then the net has been widening. Of course, these extremists represent only a small proportion of the total Muslim population in Britain. But, as in any underground group, they swim in a sea of sympathizers. A poll taken of Muslims in the UK after 7/7 found that 34% agreed that killing "infidels" was justified. Compare this to ca. 65% of Palestinians who believe that killing Israeli civilians by suicide bombers is justified. Also, when the Red Guards were terrorizing Italy in the 1970s (they murdered former PM Aldo Moro), although they were a tiny group, they had an organization of thousands of strong supporters and perhaps a million and half active sympathizers. This is the only way such an underground group of small cells can function. Of course, the Communists used this approach too in their attempt to bring down the West.
One of the consequences of this approach is that Muslim extremist organizations have targeted campuses and unions in the West as ideal breeding grounds for expanding their support and ideology. Do you think it is purely coincidence that right now there is an active movement to boycott (only) Israeli academics and universities in the UK, and that Unions are also voting for and considering anti-Israel boycotts? Their program over the past 20 years of pouring money and people into the West has been very successful. This was also the strategy of the Communists, but they were far less successful.
In this respect, we must distinguish between extremist Shia and Sunni Islam. The Shias are organized from Iran, and are focussed mainly on extending the Iranian revolution through Shia populations in Iraq and Lebanon and pro-Shia groups in Syria, as well as sympathetic Palestinians, including Islamic Jihad and Hamas in Gaza. It is the extremist Sunni organization al Qaeda which believes in directly attacking the West by terrorism, and the Salafist/Wahhabi sponsors in Saudi Arabia that have bank-rolled the undermining of the West by subversion. They are the ones supporting the global jihad that is intended to overtake the West and the "moderate" pro-Western Arab regimes, and to substitute a world-wide Caliphate (note that the Shia oppose the idea of a Caliphate).
Just as with the Communists, it is the fellow-travellers of the left, and duped well-meaning liberals, who are taken in by the Muslim arguments. 'If only the West stopped supporting Israel, if only they withdrew from Iraq, if only they were more understanding of Muslim sensitivities, then none of these attacks would be necessary." Just give in and the terrorism will die away! This is the basis of the current anti-War movement in the UK.
But, as more attacks occur and as more people die (luckily none this time in the UK) the realization should dawn that this is all nonsense. That in fact the attacks would continue whatever the West does, whether or not they are accomodating to the Muslims. Who was seized in Gaza? Alan Johnston, of the BBC, the most pro-Palestinian journalist, the only one who could remain there, because he was so pro-Palestinian. They seek to murder Salman Rushdie, just as they did Theo van Gogh in Holland.
In fact, it makes no difference whether or not the Palestinians have a state or if there is by some miracle Israel-Palestinian peace, whatever Blair says. They would still claim that Israel is "occupying" their land. The fundamentalist Muslim war against the West began 1,000 years ago, and is driven by the strong resentment that Islamists feel that they are not predominant. They will fight until they are, or until they are completely defeated. Unfortunately the British are treating the current terrorist attacks as crimes, rather than as skirmishes in an on-going war.
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