Sunday, March 23, 2008

Black Obama

As a Jew, I am perhaps more attuned to the subtlety of the racial aspects of Barack Obama's campaign than most other whites. We Jews were the "blacks" before the blacks themselves were. We were discriminated against and persecuted and prevented from getting education in the "best" schools. And we fought against it and by dint of persistance and morality we eventually came out on top, where we belong. But, blacks have not "come out on top" they have remained for the most part at the bottom, at least educationally and socially.
In that respect, one can understand the anger of the Rev. Wright, Barack Obama's erstwhile "spiritual advisor" in his Chicago Church, who in his political (!) sermons, inveighed against America, accusing it of deliberately developing the AIDS virus to infect blacks, that America killed many more people by dropping the A-bomb on Japan and invading Iraq than the Twin Towers attackers, and that whites are responsible for the "black" predicament. That is why he told his parishoners, including the Presidential candidate, "God hate America!" which he mysterioulsy said was "in the Bible." He is also anti-Semitic and blames Israel for the Middle East conflict.
The question then arises, why did Obama and his wife remain members of this Church for 20 years and keep the Rev. Wright as their advisor, when he knew that Wright was spouting "controversial statements." Comments that Wright was not their advisor are untrue since he was included in Obama's Presidential Advisory Committee, until he was abruptly asked to leave several months ago. At a Wisconsin rally last month, Michelle Obama declared, "For the first time in my adult lifetime, I'm really proud of my country," indicating a sad lack of previous perspective until her husband was in the Presidential race.
But, for me the Wright issue is not the crux of the problem. What clinches the problem of Obama's candidacy for me is that he is a one-term Senator and in his three (!) years before he started his Presidential campaign he did next to nothing! He sponsored two minor bills and added his name to 15 others. He took no leading action in any of the areas (economy, education, jobs, healthcare) that he now spouts about. Worst of all he was appointed Chair of the Europe subcommittee of the House Foreign Affairs Comm. and had no hearings whatsoever during this time. He did not visit Europe once, and a poll of EU Parliament members showed that none of them had ever met him! He is a political novice with a charming manner, that's all he is. He is all surface and no substance, he is appealing to some sentiment of the American people that somehow because he is (half) black they should vote for him. I agree with those who have said that if Obama were not black he would not be a candidate now!
By comparison, Hillary Clinton is a political heavyweight, and she should win the Pennsylvania primary by a landslide. And there is no comparison with Sen. McCain, who has 35 (!) years of experience in the Senate and is a genuine war hero. In this Presidential campaign its about time we got real.


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