Sunday, March 02, 2008

Obama's mama's pyjama

(Sung to "Moon of Alabama" by Kurt Weill)

Oh, Senator Obama
We soon must say goodbye
You may beat Hilary Clinton
But we must have McCain or you will know why

The problem with Obama is that nothing rhymes with his name, well nothing simple. Yes, I know Alabama and Indiana, etc. but that doesn't help. Yes, there has been innuendo that he is a closet Muslim, a friend of Farrakhan and not a friend of Israel, but all that aside, including his silly Somali dress (I know that's a non-PC statement), the big problem is that his name doesn't rhyme.
Bush and Clinton are relatively easy (think of push, tush, mush and wonton, wanton, and canton), but Obama? There should be a Congressional ruling passed on this subject, of the requirement for acceptable names for Presidential candidates, nothing too foreign or ending in a vowel - no Corleone or Shapiro.
This leads me, by way of linguistics, not to be confused with linguini, to the following subject. I explain the phenomenon of Obama, a one-term black Senator with no experience, as being due to the transition of the USA from a white majority to a minority. Fairly recently the population of the USA became 51% minorities, that is Blacks, Hispanics, Asians and Pacific Islanders (excluding Jews) altogether outnumber the whites (including Jews). So naturally they are going to pick someone who looks like themselves, irrespective of policies and experience. All he has to do is look right, be charming and say "Change!"
Now being an old white man, naturally I'm inclined to vote for an old white man. I know that's going to perpetuate the system, but if they can vote for an avatar, then so can I. However, the Jews are the only group that are part of the majority (!) that vote like a minority. This is a holdover of religious liberalism and guilt. But, when they snap out of it they'll see that there cannot be a President named Obama, on name alone it must be McCain!

Oh, moon over Obama
We soon must say goodbye
In yo mama's pyjama
But we must have McCain or you will know why


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