Monday, September 29, 2008

Obama, McCain, Iran and the UN

Of course, Democrats believe that Obama won the first debate and Republicans believe that McCain won! No surprise there. But, from my perspective McCain looked a more serious candidate for President. Maybe because he's older and more experienced, but also because of the seriousness with which he approached certain issues. This is not to say that Obama was not trying to be serious or that he was flippant about serious issues, but rather that his answers were sometimes glib, seemingly without having been thought through or without previous background.
The most glaring example is that of Iran and Ahmedinejad. Rightly McCain ridiculed the idea of Obama as President meeting with Ahmedinejad without preconditions (on the liberal assumption that we should talk to everyone and that everyone is basically good) and what if he said "we are going to wipe Israel off the map," then what would Obama say, "no, you are not!" This brings extremely serious questions of foreign policy and of life and death down to the level of the playground!
Addressing the UN, Ahmedinejad, while hiding behind a facade of piety, spouted the most abominable anti-Semitic slurs against Jews and Israel that have ever been heard from a public podium. Pres. Peres rebutted him in his own speech the following day, but very little negative comment came from the representatives of other countries (or Israel), including the UN Secty. Gen, who applauded him politely.
Finally, after some consultations with her colleagues, Secty. of State Rice raised the issue at the Security Council and stated that it was unacceptable for one member of the UN to publicly threaten to destroy another member, and she asked for a resolution on the subject. While the Russians apparently support a general statement that reaffirms current sanctions they do not agree to further stronger sanctions against Iran (never let morality get in the way of earnings).
So it looks as if Iran will once again get away with the most damnable slurs against Jews and Israel, and in time we must believe that they will try to back up their rhetoric with action. Given the economic state of the US and the world, and the usual tendency of other countries not to care about the fate of the Jews, it seems that once again we will have to look after ourselves or face another calamity. Sen. McCain was the only one who stated openly we must not allow a "second Holocaust" to occur.


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