Thursday, October 30, 2008

Joe the plumber and Israel

In his first public meeting "Joe the plumber," alias Samuel Wurzelbacher, endorsed Sen. John McCain for President. When asked by a member of the audience if the election of Barack Obama as President would mean "the death of Israel," Joe replied after a moment's thought, "I'll...agree with you on that."
What I think they meant was that the election of Obama could result in a more immediate clash between Israel and Iran and/or its proxies, Hizbollah in Lebanon, Syria and Hamas in Gaza, for two reasons.
1. Because of his relative inexperience, as Joe Biden, his own VP has pointed out, it is likely that Obama will be "tested" in the foreign policy area. The most likely test is that Iran will flex its muscles. If you look at a map of the Middle East, it looks as if the US is comfortably bestride Iran, having forces both in Iraq to the west and Afghanistan to the east. But, likewise, Iran has allied forces in Lebanon and Syria to the west of the US forces, and to the east of the US forces in Pakistan there are the Taliban and al Qaeda. Iran could seek to "test" the US either by a direct confrontation, or more likely by an attack on a US ally, namely Israel. So if Obama is elected expect Iran to make some move against Israel within the first 6 months. On the other hand, if McCain is elected there is much less likelihood of such an early and deliberate "test." First of all Biden's warning was specifically about the inexperienced Obama, not a general warning about all Presidents, and second MCain is so much more experienced than Obama that it is unlikely that any enemy would dare to risk his response.
2. Israel will feel less secure if Obama is elected President. With McCain they know him and trust him. Israel feels that he can be relied upon should there be an attack by or on Iran. But, Obama is an unknown quantity, his reactions, as with the Georgia situation, is to suggest sitting down with the enemy (in this case Russia) and discussing why they are behaving so badly. So the Israeli Govt, especially if Netanyahu is elected, will not sit by while Iran develops nuclear weapons and the ability to deliver them, while Obama is busy cutting back the military and has no experience in dealing with determined evil enemies. So Israel will feel that it is on its own, and there will be greater likelihood that Israel will strike at Iran before it is too late. So ironically the likelihood that there will be a war will be greater if Obama is elected that if McCain is.
And since there is more likely to be a war between Israel and Iran if Obama is elected, then the chance of Israel being destroyed is that much greater. Of course, with Obama there could be a complete turnaround in US policy. We could see, instead of the US merely pouring b$1 into the PA, there could be a concerted attempt by an Obama Administration to recognize the PA and force Israel to accept a Palestinian State in the pre-1967 borders, according to the Saudi Plan. So Israel's future would be certainly more uncertain with an Obama Presidency.


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