War crimes?
The Army shot the Chief of the uprising in an ambulance while he was trying to escape. That's a war crime, and is contrary to Geneva Conventions 1-10! All Army officers should be arrested if they try to leave the country and should be tried. What about the 250,000 people who are in camps? What about the 50,000 civilians who have been trapped and shot at, many of them have been injured or killed? We'll demonstrate, we'll stop the traffic, we'll scream bloody murder... what's that you say, it was the chief of the Tamil Tigers, it was the Sri Lankan Army, there were no Palestinians involved, no IDF, OK, then forget it, let's go back to sleep.
Yes, I'm sorry folks, false alarm. It was only Tamils and of course their lives are not worth a fraction of those of a Palestinian, at least as far as the media and the left are concerned. No screaming headlines, no dead children being carried into hospitals, no chagrined politicians shouting into microphones in Trafalgar Square, "We are all Tamils!" It just doesn't fit, if they aren't Palestinians no one really cares. What hypocrisy!
For my part I care less for the Palestinians than for the Tamils, because the Tamils fought for self-determination for 26 years without any outside support, while the Palestinians have fought for destruction of Israel for 50 years, but have had everybody on their side, the left, the right, the UN, the EU, the Arabs, the Muslims, and now the Iranians. But, in fact, the Sri Lankan military and Government were advised by the IDF on how to handle such a civilian insurgency. Just as the US is trying to handle one in Afghanistan and Pakistan right now.
Sri Lanka was easier, because its an island, and the supply lines of the Tamil Tigers could only come from India and India did not support them (even though the Tamils are Hindu). Also, the insurgency in Iraq was handled quite well by the US, with a gradual crackdown and then taking over the areas that were "pacified." Once there were no more Saddamis and al Qaeda lost the support of the Sunnis and the three main factions, the Sunnis, Shia and Kurds, decided they preferred finally to live in one sovereign state, then gradually the insurgency receded.
But, Afgahanistan and Pakistan are different, they include tribes that have never been "pacified". The British tried it over a 100 years ago and failed, the Pakistan Government tried several times and failed. The fact is that this region has never been "pacified" and I'm afraid that the US under Obama is entering a quagmire from which there is no escape, a "Muslim Vietnam." In order to pacify this region the US will have to do a lot more than "water-boarding", that makes Obama queasy, there will be plenty of civilian deaths and cries of "war crimes" before that action is over.
Yes, I'm sorry folks, false alarm. It was only Tamils and of course their lives are not worth a fraction of those of a Palestinian, at least as far as the media and the left are concerned. No screaming headlines, no dead children being carried into hospitals, no chagrined politicians shouting into microphones in Trafalgar Square, "We are all Tamils!" It just doesn't fit, if they aren't Palestinians no one really cares. What hypocrisy!
For my part I care less for the Palestinians than for the Tamils, because the Tamils fought for self-determination for 26 years without any outside support, while the Palestinians have fought for destruction of Israel for 50 years, but have had everybody on their side, the left, the right, the UN, the EU, the Arabs, the Muslims, and now the Iranians. But, in fact, the Sri Lankan military and Government were advised by the IDF on how to handle such a civilian insurgency. Just as the US is trying to handle one in Afghanistan and Pakistan right now.
Sri Lanka was easier, because its an island, and the supply lines of the Tamil Tigers could only come from India and India did not support them (even though the Tamils are Hindu). Also, the insurgency in Iraq was handled quite well by the US, with a gradual crackdown and then taking over the areas that were "pacified." Once there were no more Saddamis and al Qaeda lost the support of the Sunnis and the three main factions, the Sunnis, Shia and Kurds, decided they preferred finally to live in one sovereign state, then gradually the insurgency receded.
But, Afgahanistan and Pakistan are different, they include tribes that have never been "pacified". The British tried it over a 100 years ago and failed, the Pakistan Government tried several times and failed. The fact is that this region has never been "pacified" and I'm afraid that the US under Obama is entering a quagmire from which there is no escape, a "Muslim Vietnam." In order to pacify this region the US will have to do a lot more than "water-boarding", that makes Obama queasy, there will be plenty of civilian deaths and cries of "war crimes" before that action is over.
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