Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Merkel wins

Who would ever expect me to be rooting for the right-wing conservative leader of Germany, Angela Merkel. She is the leader of the Christian Democrats, who has tackled the economic crisis well, and although Germany has high unemployment and a recession, she has been chosen again by the German people to remain Chancellor. They clearly have more confidence in her than in the Socialist SDP leader Frank-Walter Steinmeier. And in fact, the FDP, the Free Democrats, who favor a market economy, also gained more seats than before, and will probably form a strong coalition with Merkel. The leader of the FDP, Guido Westerwelle, who is openly gay and cares about human rights, will probably be the new German Foreign Minister, so that may give some surprises.
During the build-up to the take-over of Germany by Hitler and the Nazis in the 1930's, Pope Pius XII, who at that time effectively controlled the CDP, forced them to stop all their anti-Nazi activities and finally to disband as a condition of the Concordat he signed between the Vatican and the Nazi government. So the CDP has an honorable history, and not coincidentally they are also the most pro-Israel party in the German Parliament. Like many moderate right wing parties in Europe they see support for Israel as an anti-fascist, anti-communist, and anti-Muslim policy that fits their profile.
I am aware that many Jews in England, Europe and the US will disagree with Israeli Jews' support for right wing parties in Europe, just as most American Jews remain Democrats even when the most anti-Israel Democratic President of all time is in the White House. These liberal and left-wing Jews clearly have a different philosophy than Israeli Jews, they are more concerned with health plans and economics than with foreign policy, and even in foreign policy many agree that the US should pressure Israel to make concessions to the poor Palestinians, who have been suffering under the "occupation" of their Jewish cousins. Never mind that there is practically no "occupation" (Israel withdrew from Gaza and the PA controls 98% of the Palestinian population of the West Bank), nevertheless they accept a pro-Palestinian position as a sacred position of the left. To them Israel is the "colonialist, imperialist....etc.", never mind that Israel would have been destroyed in several wars if it had not fought back and won. They don't like to be associated with a winner, to them being Jews is synonymous with being powerless and liberal.
Well, this schism between Disapora and Israeli Jews won't matter much more, since first Israel has the sovereign right to defend itself, and it will, whatever the Jews in the Disapora think, and second, the Jews in Israel are now the majority of all Jews in the world. So if you want to be a proud Jew, follow us and vote for the Conservatives, the Republicans and the Christian Democrats.


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