Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The new appeasement

A new comparison comes to mind, Barack Obama and Neville Chamberlain, the erstwhile British Prime Minister who preceded Winston Churchill in the 1930's and whose name became synonymous with appeasement of Hitler thru the Munich agreement. In that, for the promise of peace with Hitler's Germany, Chamberlain made concessions that allowed Hitler to strengthen his position prior to starting WWII.
Obama is appeasing Iran. First there was to be an "engagement" with Iran, which didn't work out because Iran wasn't interested. Then there were to be serious sanctions against Iran if they continued to develop their nuclear weapons enrichment program, and that was supposed to start last September, 2009. Then the deadline (never a hard deadline) was to be the "end of the year," but that wasn't implemented either. Finally, Obama was supposed to organize harsh sanctions in coordination with the Security Council members, including Russia and China. But, so far there is no sign of either country, against its own economic interests, coordinating any sanctions.
Now there are two possibilities, either Obama imposes strict and harsh US sanctions on Iran, which he could do if he wanted to, or he can try to persuade as many other countries as possible, including the EU, to join a strong sanctions regime. However, at the moment there is no evidence of either. The fact is that Obama has avoided this issue and in effect has appeased Iran, until it is nearly too late.
Can Israel stand by while Iran develops the capability of nuclear weapons and the ability to deliver them by long-range missile? The answer to this is no!
People can say that Iran's development of nuclear weapons is purely defensive on their part, or is more designed to allow Iran to become a hegemonic power in the Middle East without actually using them. But, even then Israel could not afford to take the chance that the mad hatred of Jews that is manifest in the Iranian leadership will not cause them to actually use their weapons.
This is Obama's chief crime, that he knowingly appeased a mad dictatorship, that he delayed and prevaricated for over a year, and that if and when Israel finds is necessary to attack Iran's nuclear facilities at the point of no return for their development of nuclear weapons, Obama will be chiefly responsible. The price of appeasement is war.
I write this in relation to Pres. Obama's State of the Union speech and Holocaust Remembrance Day, Jan 27, 2010, while Pres. Peres is visiting Germany and PM Netanyahu is visiting Poland. . Let there be no mistake, Israel will not allow its citizens to suffer the same fate as the Jews of Europe, who were murdered while the so-called "great" powers stood by.


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