Thursday, February 04, 2010


It is a myth that multiculturalism includes all ethnic groups equally. The liberal ideal is that all groups accept being equal with all others. But, Islam cannot accept to be equal, Muslims expect to be superior to others, to infidels. They believe that they have the God-given right to convert everyone to their dogma. It is their creed.
Now they are not alone in this, as other creeds are also proselytizing, such as Christianity, and certain forms of Hinduism (Hare Krishna) and Buddhism. But, Judaism does not proselytize, and neither are people persuaded to join the Jewish people. It follows therefore, that the two great monotheistic religions that are derived from Judaism have from their inception tried to replace Judaism, either through conversion or murder of the Jewish people. This has been the ugly fact of history.
Not alone in this have been the ideologies of Fascism, Nazism and Communism. It was not only Hitler's Germany that killed Jews because they were Jews, but Stalin had hundreds of thousands killed too. In the modern post-WWII era, multiculturalism was supposed to overcome these sectarian and religious hatreds. But, frankly it hasn't worked, and it can't work.
The UN is a good example of this in action, where the Arab/Muslim countries support any racist, feudal, anti-Semitic motion that is brought before them. Israel is singled out as the main cause of the world's problems. If this isn't anti-Semitism, what is? And it's not only the rejectionist countries like Iran and Syria, also Egypt, Jordan and Turkey, our supposed friends, equally support outrageous canards. And the UN was supposed to be an example of multiculturalism writ large, each country one vote, except for the formation of blocs of backward dictatorial countries that control the UN agenda.
I feel sympathy for well meaning people who establish clubs, such as football and press clubs, where Jews and Arabs mix and chat and eat together. But, unfortunately it cannot work, because the sense of superiority is so ingrained in the Muslims and the Christians, that they feel it necessary in the end to convert and overcome the Jews.
I have had personal experience with this. One summer when I was a student I spent many hours being the object of a particularly earnest and dedicated fundamentalist Protestant who was trying to save my soul for me. Of course, in a democracy everyone is presumed equal before the law, and everyone has an equal vote. But, in the climate of subcultures that comprise democratic societies Jews are tolerated mainly because the Protestants and Catholics needed to coexist after fighting wars with each other for hundreds of years.
Multiculturalism is supposed to be the antidote to imperialism, colonialism, hatred and war, but in the final analysis it can't work, despite the audacity of hope.


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