Monday, March 29, 2010

A French experience

Since the weather was lovely earlier last week Naomi and I went for a walk. We picked up my medications at the brand new Maccabi Kupat Holim (Sick Fund) building on the main road about 10 mins walk from home. They are subsidised by 80%, so it cost only NIS 180 ($48) for a month's supply. Then we walked to the midrochov, the pedestrian mall, and sat and had a cup of tea/coffee.

This was a complete French experience, since we were surrounded by French-speaking immigrants, the waiter was French, and we sat in a cafe specializing in crepes. We ordered a crepe with our coffee and croissant, and we were also serenaded by a man playing an accordion. Of course, the number of French people increases dramatically during the summer when many who own apartments here come on vacation. The French like Netanya as it reminds them of the Riviera and is also a lot safer than France for Jews. Apart from the traditional French right-wing anti-Semites, the main problem comes from the 3 million Muslims living in France and the political support that anti-Israel activities get from the strong French left-wing parties. Anyway, it was like being on vacation in the south of France. As Naomi says, why do we ever need to spend money on vacations when we are on permanent vacation here in Netanya.

Since this week is Pesach (Passover) we will be away for some of the time, so there will be a hiatus in my e-mail messages. A friend (who wishes to remain anonymous) has renovated my web-site, so please go to and check out the new home-page layout. Also, I have added some old photos in various places (see the one under my scientific cv that proves that I was once thin!). To see previous postings in my blog please go to Isblog : .

To all my Jewish readers chag Pesach sameach (Happy Passover holiday).


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