Friday, May 28, 2010

The false flotilla

A flotilla of 9 boats from Turkey is approaching the Gaza coast today, carrying about 750 pro-Palestinian activists from 20 countries and about 10,000 tons of supplies for Gaza. This flotilla is designed to break the Israeli blockade of Gaza. Since Israel allows about 15,000 tons of material, including food, medical supplies, clothing, cement, etc. into Gaza every week, and there is no actual humanitarian crisis in Gaza, this flotilla is a pure PR stunt designed to embarrass Israel.

Israel has sent its own naval force out to stop the flotilla before it reaches Gaza and divert it to Israel. Israel already offered the organizers to dock in Ashdod and unload the material for Gaza there, but they refused. Israel also told the Turkish Government that they consider this an unfriendly act, but even though a Turkish Minister was on hand when the flotilla sailed, the Turkish Government denied any connection to it.

Of course, we all remember that European Jews tried and some succeeded in breaking the British Government naval blockade of Israel after WWII, when several ships were sunk with the loss of thousands of lives. Most of these Jews were survivors of the German concentration camps and were killed by British Government actions. The current pro-Palestinian crowd on board the flotilla are mostly middle-class leftist Europeans and Arabs who are seeking to denigrate Israel. Notably among the passengers are many journalists.

The main reason that Israel and Egypt have a boycott of Gaza is that Gaza is controlled by Hamas, which considers itself in a state of war with Israel and does not recognize Israel's right to exist and wishes to destroy Israel. In order to do this they still continually fire mortars and rockets into Israel and send terrorists to try and infiltrate Israel to carry out murders. Their latest attempt involved a donkey rigged with explosives and its cart also full of explosives. This was stopped by the IDF in time. Israel must ensure that no terrorists and no arms are reaching Gaza, that might be hidden among the innocent looking packages.

Earlier this year a similar group, organized by the former MP George Galloway, tried to approach Gaza through Egypt. But, they got a rude awakening. Egyptian authorities impounded their trucks, arrested most of them and deported them. During the fighting that ensued one Egyptian guard was killed and several protesters were badly injured. I feel that Israel can do no less.


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