Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Dangerous meddling

Why is it that all countries in the world feel that they must meddle in our affairs? Argentina has followed the move of President Lula da Silva of Brazil in recognising a Palestinian State. But, of course, there is no such State. According to all previous practice there must be bilateral negotiations between Israel, a recognized member of the UN, and the Palestinian leadership to resolve all issues between them before such a state could be declared.

The international response to Israel's request for assistance in fighting the devastating Carmel blaze was heart-warming. Eighteen countries provided help, including Egypt, Jordan and the PA. However, because the Arabs were not able to defeat Israel militarily and because in the fulness of time they were not able to force Israel to accept their dictates, even with huge US pressure, the Palestinians have now embarked on a policy of unilateral declaration of their State. Further they have chosen to take a hard line with no compromise in all potenial negotiations with Israel, so that they require Israel to accept their positions on borders, stopping of building in the West Bank and Jerusalem, and the return of so-called "refugees" to Israel before any negotiations! Not to mention the terrorist policies of Hamas in Gaza.

Even with pressure from the Obama Administration on the issue of the continuation of the freeze, PM Netanyahu would not give way any more. He gave them a 10 month freeze on the West Bank, but of course that was not enough. They still demand a freeze applied to East Jerusalem that no Israel Government can give because East Jerusalem was annexed by Israel back in 1967. It may be that they don't recognize that annexation, but a sure way to prevent any negotiations is to make a precondition that the freeze be extended to Jerusalem. It makes nonsense of the whole negotiation by the Obama Administration with Israel over a continuation of the freeze, that can never satisfy the Palestinians. So the complex process of the US giving significant concessions to Israel for that deal has all but collapsed, as have the direct negotiations.

In order to avoid direct negotiations, where they are not prepared to move one iota from their maximal demands, the Palestinians have come up with this strategy of a unilateral declaration of their State. But, the countries that are in thrall to the Palestinians, who see only the need to satisfy and mollify them, are making a big mistake. Don't they realize that once the Palestinians take unilateral action, Israel can also do so. Freed of bilateral negotiations, Israel can claim and annex the land that has been settled by Jewish settlers with a strong basis in international law. If there is a border conflict, and the Palestinians then ask the UN to help them, the UN should not be able to because the UN was always behind the requirement for bilateral negotiations. So what would Brazail and Argtentina do then, send their own armies to fight for the Palestinians against Israel? Uruguay is next to say that it will recognize a Palestinian State, but Uruguay is also a friend of Israel. They just don't understand the potentially disastrous consequences of their meddling.


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