Thursday, December 02, 2010


I am updating my original pamphlets (, that in my opinion are the best pro-Israel pr because they are simple, eye-catching and direct. Here are two graphs about population.

Note that the Israeli population is now ca. 7 million, more than the combined West Bank and Gaza Territories at ca. 4 million (these figures are taken from the World Bank Development Index). However, there are one million Israeli Arabs included in the Israeli population figures, so if that number is taken from the Israeli figure that leaves 6 million Jews and a total of 5 million Arabs. Not so much difference! Yet it's far from the Jews being swamped by Arabs (as recently suggested by Prof. Della Pergola of the HU, Jerusalem), especially since the two graphs are increasing at roughly the same rate (parallel slope). This means that the Israeli population is increasing thru immigration and natural increase about as much as the Arab birthrate, which is decreasing. So the "demographic bomb" is an exaggeration!

Note in this case that Jews have been an absolute majority in Jerusalem since 1896 (these data are from the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs site ( and are census figures taken under the Turks, the British and Israel). Note also that the Christians were as numerous as the Muslims until ca. 1940, and their decrease since then mirrors the decrease in Christian populations throughout the Middle East (Lebanon, Iraq) due to Muslim persecution.
(These graphs are copyright by Jack Cohen and cannot be used without permission).


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