Sunday, June 05, 2011


Let's face it, the Palestinians are losers! In fact, they are the biggest losers of all time. It's a wonder anyone would want to be associated with them. But their leftist supporters are also losers. The fall of Soviet Communism has shown that socialism is a losing proposition, so the leftists are forced to associate with fellow-losers like the Palestinians.

In 1948, the Arab countries, mainly Egypt, Transjordan and Syria, rejected the UN Partition Plan and attacked the nascent Jewish State of Israel, which then had a population of only 650,000, and they lost. Ever since the Palestinians have commemorated this fundamental loss as the Nakba or catastrophe.

Actually, even if they had won, the Palestinian Arabs (who did not exist as a separate people at that time) would have been losers since these three Arab countries planned to divide Palestine/Israel between them. As an example, Transjordan changed its name to Jordan when King Abdullah illegally occupied the West Bank of the River Jordan. This occupation was not internationally recognized, since the West Bank was included in the land that was supposed to be set-aside for the establishment of a Jewish Homeland under the terms of the League of Nations Mandate given to the British, based on the San Remo Treaty of 1922. The West Bank was liberated from this illegal occupation in 1967 by the IDF. During this occupation the Jordanian Arab Legion brutally suppressed the Palestinian Arabs. Similarly the Egyptian Army occupied the Gaza Strip from 1948-1967 and suppressed its Arab inhabitants.

In 1967, the Arabs were dealt a significant set-back in their plans to attack and destroy Israel. The IAF attacked first on June 5 and destroyed the Arab air forces. Every year since then the Palestinians have commemorated the Naksa, or set-back, another example of Palestinian understatement and focus on their losses.

The defeat of the 6-Day war was one of the most significant defeats of the 20th century. It's results cannot be reversed, yet the Arabs tried to reverse the outcome by attacking Israel on Yom Kippur, 1983. What we know as the Yom Kippur War was another colossal defeat of the Arab side, given that Israel was attacked on its holiest day and the armed forces were taken by surprise due to a huge failure of intelligence. And yet, the IDF managed to utterly defeat the Arab armies again on all fronts.

Having been defeated so many times in warfare, the Palestinians tried again, this time with their intifadas in which they attempted to use terrorism and particularly suicide bombers against the Israeli civilian population. This wave of terrorism also failed in its aims. They failed to demoralise the Israeli citizenry, they failed to bring the country to a standstill and they failed to terrorize us. The demise of Yasir Arafat coincided with the end of this wave of terrorism. But, when Israel decided to withdraw from Gaza in 2006 what did we get but rockets! Coming mainly from Hamas that took over Gaza in 2008, these rockets represented the latest phase in a military attempt to reverse the losses the Palestinian Arabs have suffered over the past 63 years. Operation Cast Lead of the IDF in Gaza stopped the rockets on a large scale for the time being. But this is probably temporary.

The latest tactic in the overall Arab strategy of defeating and destroying Israel are the "waves" of unarmed civilians that are supposed to flood Israel's borders. This was tried for the first time on Nakba Day, 2011, and resulted in a surprising breach of the Israeli-Syrian border near Majdal Shams on the Golan Heights. This was a result of the Syrian government under Pres. Assad busing in thousands of Palestinians in order to take focus away from the internal uprisings of the Syrian people against his regime. This tactic has been used before, during WWII the Russians sent "human waves" of lighly armed or unarmed civilians against the German forces besieging Moscow. They were mowed down, but the tactic worked because the Germans ran out of ammunition and were forced to withdraw.

Now we have come to Naksa Day, 2011, and we await to see how far they will go. But, the Lebanese Government has warned that the border area will be closed that day and no demonstrations near the border will be allowed (last time the Lebanese Army shot 10 Palestinian demonstrators dead and prevented a breach). Also, Israel has warned the Syrian Government that it will consider any attempt to breach its border as an attack by Syria on Israel, and the latest news is that the Syrian Government has decided to cancel the march today. One feels that this time the IDF will be prepared for all eventualities and the wave of civilians will be stopped. But, the IDF has been given orders not only to stop the "human wave" but also not to use deadly force, so that the media will not be filled with stories of unarmed Palestinian civilians being shot.

Israel will survive this tactic too, and the Palestinians will have another defeat to commemorate. Let them commemorate all their losses while we celebrate our victories!


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