Unilateral action
In my recent posting entitled "the blame game" I omitted
reference to the approval for the construction of 700 homes in the Jerusalem
neighborhood of Gilo, that was announced as the ill-fated talks were breaking
down. Both Pres. Abbas and US Secty of State Kerry referred to this as a reason
for the breakdown of the talks and of course, blamed Israel. But, actually this
announcement, as all such announcements, are merely routinely made by a
Committee of the Housing Ministry. The actual construction will not take place
for maybe a year or two, and can easily be stopped at any stage. So to blame
this announcement for the break-down of the talks is merely Palestinian
propaganda, that US Secty Kerry and others eagerly repeated.
Also, I did not address the fact that one reason PM Netanyahu cancelled the
release the last batch of prisoners to the PA is that among them are 12 Israeli
Arabs. There are many in Israel who cannot see any justification for releasing
to the PA these Israeli citizens who have been found guilty in an Israeli court
of terrorism or related charges. Naftali Bennett of the Bayit Yehudi party has
announced publicly that if these prisoners are released he will take his party
out of the Coalition. He claims that making such a release to the PA negates
Israeli sovereignty and will set a bad precedent. PM Netanyahu avoided a crisis
by not releasing the last batch of prisoners, but it was a mistake to agree to
release Israeli Arabs in the first place.
There has been little comment about a speech Pres. Abbas gave, after he
torpedoed the talks, in which he laid out new conditions before he would
continue the talks. To his previous preconditions, that Israel release
Palestinian prisoners and accept the 1967 ceasefire lines as the border of the
Palestinian State, he added that Israel must release all Palestinian
prisoners, that Israel must institute a full halt on all construction in the
West Bank and that Israel must accept the right of return of all Palestinian
refugees to Israel. He also insisted that Israel must recognize Palestinian
sovereignty in all of the area C that they occupy under the Oslo Accords.
Without Israel agreeing to these preconditions he will not continue
negotiating. Since he knows there is no chance whatsoever of Israel accepting
these preconditions, this is intended to be an end game.
Secty of State Kerry continues to blame Israel whenever he has the
chance. But, the State Dept. spokesperson Jan Psaki repeatedly explains that
Kerry doesn't really mean it, he really blames both sides equally. If that is
true why isn't he castigating Pres. Abbas for sabotaging the talks by taking the
PA's case unilaterally to the UN and other agencies well before the April 29
deadline for the talks to end. It was all planned and prepared in advance,
including the intention to blame Israel. But, Israel is not without means to
respond. PM Netanyahu announced that Israel will deduct a portion of the taxes
that it collects for the PA in the amount that it has given to the released
prisoners as a payment for their terrorist activity and for payment for
electricity and water supplied by Israel to the PA. Psaki referred to these
unilateral reactions by Israel as "unfortunate." If there are more unilateral
actions by the PA that evade the requirement for negotiating a peace agreement,
then Israel could cease the payments altogether, as well as blocking all PA
shipments that are sent from Israeli ports and stopping all foreign payments to
the PA that go through Israeli financial institutions. Ultimately Israel could
simply re-occupy and annex land that it would have received in any agreed
land-swaps. For taking unilateral action and subverting the peace process the
Palestinians must be made to suffer, and they will find that Israel can also
take unilateral actions.
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