Sunday, November 06, 2005

The essence of perfection

For some time I have been trying to delineate the difference between Jewish
teachings on the one hand and Christian or Muslim teachings on the other
that might explain the differences in perception between them and us. This
is difficult for someone who is not a certified theologian. Certainly it is
religious beliefs that underlie the distinctions, but what specifically
about those beliefs is responsible. After all, for Jews it is obvious that
Israel is not "expansionist," "colonialist" or whatever else the Iranian
Islamofascists, the British liberal-fascists, and the American pro-Arabists
say about us.
I came to the eventual speculation that it has something to do with
perfectionism. Christians and Muslims have a "perfect" father figure to
emulate, and hence a desire to live in a "perfect" world. Yes, they also
emphasize God a lot, as does Judaism. It is specifically in the
relationship to a God-like figure of human origin, similar to the mythology
of the Greeks and others, that is heretical in Judaism, that the religions
differ. In Christianity Jesus Christ is considered "the son of God,"
whatever that is, but it definitely includes divinity, while in Islam,
Mohammed is not considered divine, but rather the "last" and most perfect,
"'the seal of the prophets" - several religions have used the appellation
"last" to ensure that no other can follow them, including the Mormons.
In Christianity and in Islam, the father-figure is perfect. This is no
doubt a perversion of Judaic messianism. All Christians are supposed to
emulate Christ and live perfect lives, and all Muslims are supposed to
emulate Mohammed and follow his teachings. There is no equivalent figure in
Judaism, certainly not Moses. Judaism accepts the concept of imperfection in
human behavior, we have free will, and make imperfect choices, but the
choices are ours alone and we are responsible for them.
In Christianity and Islam such imperfection is not acceptable, one has to
endeavor to overcome it, to exclude it. If a daughter has sex with or even
flirts with an unsuitable man, a Jewish father will not kill her. Neither
today will a secular Western father (it happens so often), but a Muslim
father is expected to do so to redeem the honor of the family (similar to
the Sicilians). The honor of the family must be perfect and above reproach
and murder is considered a suitable means to achieve that.
In Christianity the fact that a sin has been committed is the basis for
specific guilt, requiring in Catholicism a suitable punishment. There is no
similar guilt-punishment cycle in Judaism, if you make a wrong action, you
are responsible for the consequences. There is no specifically prescribed
punishment remedy.
This perfectionist attitude is what leads people down a path of good
intentions that can have the opposite consequences than intended. A good
example is the Colonel in "Bridge on the River Kwai." To prove to the
Japanese that his men are as disciplined as they are, he persuades them to
build a good strong bridge, that the Japanese will then use to defeat his
own Army.
It is this difference that results in an absolute distinction between Muslim
parents sending their child to be a martyr, a high honor in Islam, and a
Jewish parent's first priority in protecting the life of their child. There
will never be Jewish suicide bombers, and no Jewish parent will ever
celebrate the death of a child even in a worthy cause. Christian parents
nowadays would be the same, although there certainly was a time when
Christian soldiers, as in the Crusades, were expected to make the ultimate
sacrifice for their religion - "onward Christian soldiers, marching as to
war.." very unJewish.
Trying to attain perfection in this world has led to various ideological
cults, such as communism, socialism and fascism, that result in the
believers (including Jews, trying to escape their Jewishness) becoming
perfectionists. In order to bring about a perfect socialist world, it was
considered acceptable to murder millions of people. In order to bring about
the birth of a Palestinian State it is considered justified to murder
innocent Israeli civilians. Beware of the ideologue, he will kill you in
pursuit of his ideal.


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