Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Three blind mice

Condoleeza (what a great name for a mouse), Ehud and Mahmoud are meeting under the stairs. They have a bit of a problem, since being blind, they are unaware of the true goings on around them. They prefer to ignore the reality and deal with the situation as they would prefer it to be, ignoring the presence of a large cat that happens to be sitting nearby, waiting.
Condoleeza says that any time is a good time to meet, although this does tend to depend on circumstances. Condy and Ehud have warned Mahmud that he must recognise Ehud's right to exist, otherwise what's the point in talking. Indeed!
At this point the cat, a Persian, having lost patience, pounces, and the three scatter in all directions, see how they run. Its a case of save yourself. Condy runs to Iraq where she strangely feels secure. Ehud runs to his office and hides under his desk, where his friend Peretz (the lucky mouse) is already hiding. And Mahmoud runs back to his home, although it is under siege and being fired upon by his friends in Hamas, "the rats" he calls them.
This scenario might be true, since this is one of the worst possible times for such a meeting. Now that PM Haniyeh has resigned, it is 3-5 weeks before the PA Unity Government that they agreed on in Mecca will be sworn in. But, in fact, Abbas has caved into Hamas and none of the conditions of the Quartet have been accepted for the Unity Government.
There are three conditions, "hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil." However, Haniyeh can't bring himself to stop doing any of these things. He is insistent on taking the situation back before 1948, accepting no previous agreements, so that he can begin the whole process of war and violence all over again. He has made a secret deal with the Persian cat, so he thinks he can't lose. But, history has a habit of repeating itself. So we are all awaiting the appearance on the scene of the farmer's wife. If history is any guide she'll come equipped with a large carving knife. If I were the cat I'd be a little scared.


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