Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Zeiler Commission bombshell

One day in Sheba Medical Center eight years ago, two men dressed as policemen snuck into a hospital room and shot dead the patient in the bed, Pinchas Buhbut, who was recovering from a previous assassination attempt. Since the patient was a local Beersheva criminal it was thought that this had been a gang hit. What turned out to be most shocking about this hit was that it was carried out by an actual policeman, Tzahi Ben-or, who was later caught in a burglary and confessed to the "hit." Even worse, he stated that he was ordered to carry out the hit by a "senior officer" who had a close relationship to the Perinian gang who ordered it. Perhaps even worse, was that to avoid any serious investigation and to cover up the hit, this senior officer, Yoram Levy, was promoted to an even higher position as head of the Southern Israel Police District.
When this case of serious police corruption came to the attention of the press and public, the Zeiler Commission was appointed by the Government to investigate the whole situation in the Southern District, and to make recommendations. Today they published their report, and they found that from the Top Cop of Israel, the Head of the National Police force, Moshe Karadi, downwards, there has been a climate of corruption, with senior officers being closely linked to known criminals and basically carrying out their orders. Cover-ups have become common, including premature closing of cases, including murders.
As a result of their "scathing exposures" the Chief of Police Moshe Karadi has immediately resigned and his assistants and the two top cops in the Southern District are also expected to resign or be fired. Whether or not there is sufficient evidence to charge them with crimes remains to be seen. However, it has been pointed out that this is only one of the Police Districts in Israel, and similar stories have indicated rampant police corruption all over the country. No wonder ordinary citizens are fed up with the lack of police action and integrity. Avi Dichter, the Minister of Internal Security will hold a Press conference later today to announce his actions in response to the Report.
One of the main problems in Israel is that there is effectively no local police force, there is only a National Police Force that is run out of National Police headquarters in Jerusalem. So when the local mayor wants to act against local corruption she can't, she has no control over the "local" police. Several weeks ago a grenade was tossed onto the veranda of the Mayor's house in Netanya. It exploded and blew out her windows but noone was injured. This was clearly a warning to Mayor Fierberg to back off in her attempts to cut the rate of crime and murder in Netanya. So far she claims they have not succeeded in frightening her off. But, this is a very dangerous situation. Every few months businesses go up in flames in Netanya and presumably elsewhere in Israel because the owners refuse to pay the extortion rackets. The National Police generally know who is the gang in control of each area, but little or nothing is done about this, presumably because of pay-offs or police involvement. The Zeiler Commission is the first attempt at the National level to try to do something about this terrible situation, where policemen routinely get away with corruption and murder. None of the early Zionists ever imagined that such a situation would ever develop in Israel.


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