Thursday, January 24, 2008

Gaza and Egypt

There is a civil war between two groups, the nationalists and the fascists. No, this is not Spain in 1938, it's the Palestinians in 2008. Many have commented that the period now is like the pre-WWII period, with Iran playing the role of Nazi Germany.
In the case of Gaza, it is the Islamofascists of Hamas who are in power and there is no likelihood that they will ever allow another popular election with real opposition. In other words, once they won, just like Hitler, they will retain power until defeated.
There is a great deal of hypocrisy exhibited by many nations regarding the situation in Gaza. In WWII, Britain bombed Dresden to extinction, killing ca. 200,000 civilians. One reason that they did this was supposedly to show the nearby Russians that they had no compunction about killing civilians in a war. Of course, the Russians murdered millions and the US engaged in a form of genocide when they deliberately bombed Tokyo, that mainly consisted of wooden houses, causing a firestorm and killing ca. 350,000 people, the highest single total of the war (more than at Hiroshima).
So why the big fuss over some oil deliveries. Israel has been supplying Gaza with ca. 75% of its electricity needs from the Israeli grid for years while the rockets have been falling in Israel, killing people and making life unbearable. Yet, our Govt. has been so stupid that they have continued to supply this. Also, note that Hamas chose to close down hospitals when they had plenty of electricity from the Israeli grid to keep them open. It was all PR and of course it worked.
The Govt. went to the trouble of proclaiming Gaza a "hostile" entity months ago, but never did anything about it. Defense Minister Barak reduced the electricity supply by 5% but then rescinded that. Now when they cut off some land supplies usually trucked in, the whole world makes a big fuss. So they immediatley rescinded their order again, and sent in tons of fuel and 8 truckloads of medical and food supplies, including flour and cooking oil. Why should the Gazans live nicely while they make the lives of the people of Sderot and surroundings a misery? Screw them!
Of course, Egypt sees fit to criticize Israel, while at the same time the Gazans to blew multiple holes in the Gaza-Egyptian fence and allowed them go back and forth with complete freedom. Who knows how much explosives and weapons they have "smuggled" into Gaza, and they could bring in food and oil if they wanted to, but they don't need to since Israel is supplying that! So now that the Egyptian-Gaza border is open, let Egypt take responsibility to ensure no humanitarian crisis in Gaza, why should it be Israel's responsibility.
Anyway, nothing will dislodge Hamas from Gaza except a fight, and at some point this must be undertaken. The "moderate" Fatah Palestinians under Pres. Abbas of the West Bank nevertheless see fit to criticize Israel for stopping supplies to their enemies in Gaza. Not until Hamas is defeated and Abbas controls Gaza would they be able to negotiate a deal for all the Palestinians, and even Olmert has said that no deal is possible without Gaza being included.
While Gaza is a small sideshow to the main event of Iran, nevertheless it is an important one. How can the West ever expect to confront the Islamofascists if they make such a fuss about Israel not supplying our enemies with cakes and the fuel to cook them.


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