Friday, November 07, 2008

The day after

Are they starting already? The day after Barack Obama was elected President of the USA, in fact he is now officially President-elect, there were two major happenings.
The IDFdiscovered a large tunnel that was imminently going to be used by Hamas to try to capture more IDF hostages form the Israeli side. But, the IDF went in and blew it up and interdicted the terrorists. In response the western Negev was bombarded with 40 rockets by Palestinian terrorists in violation of the ceassefire agreemnet. In the gunfight that ensued 6 IDF soldiers were injured and 6 Hamas gunmen were killed. This action was probably not timed deliberately, since both sides prefer to have a ceasefire at present.
Russian President Medvedev gave a strong speech in the Kremlin in which he lambasted the USA, and particularly the building of anti-missile radar systems in Poland and the Czech Republic and threatened that if they become operational the Russians would install blocking devices in the enclave of Kaliningrad. This could lead to a clash between the two countries, although Russia is no longer the superpowoer that the USSR once was. The timing of this speech was almost certainly deliberate.
It was rumored that the Russian President will want to meet with Pres-elect Obama, during the upcoming meeting of the G-8 powers in Washington to discuss the economic crisis. Maybe a "feeling out" like Khruschev did with Kennedy.
There was no move by Iran, probably because they have their own problems. The Interior Minister of Iran, Ali Kordan, was impeached by the Parliament (Majlis) yesterday since he was found to have lied in his applicaton for appointment, and the copy of the Oxford degree that he claimed to have was found to be forged, with even bad spelling mistakes. Pres. Ahmedinejad supported his friend and appointee, and so his position has been undermined. There was even an attempt to bribe members of Parliament not to vote against Kordan, and Ahmedinejad was also forced to fire the official who offered the bribes. The conservative Imams who chose Ahmedinejad have been embarrassed by these actions.
In the USA, after the celebrating, Obama announced his first appointment, that of Rahm Emanuel to the position of Chief of Staff, in other words head of his office in the White House. This is great news since Emanuel is well-known to be a pro-Israel Congressman from Illinois, whose mother is Israeli, and who has been a friend and supporter of Obama from the beginning.
I don't take back any of my concerns about Obama, but I do agree that a new day has dawned in the USA, that the promise of Martin Luther King has to a large extent been realised, and that Obama is certainly capable of carrying out his role as President with dignity and aplomb.


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