Monday, November 03, 2008

They won't come!

The Messiah complex has a lot to answer for. In all three major western religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam (as opposed to the eastern religions of Buddhism, Confuscism, Hinduism and Shintoism) the Messiah complex plays a very important and influential role.
The concept of the coming of a perfect individual or God, that would usher in a perfect time upon the earth, has very ancient origins. Of course, Judaism did not originate this belief, but it is an element of Judaism that the Messiah will come, and then the earth will be perfect, the dead will arise and all sorts of miracles will occur. For people living in poverty and misery, such a future is always a vision to be prayed for.
Christianity took this Messiah complex from Judaism and extended it even further, endowing their central figure with God-like qualities, who died for their sins (?) and will be resurrected in the second coming, when the world will be perfect, etc. etc.
Islam is a little different. In Sunni Islam, Mohammed is strictly the prophet (and indeed the last prophet) of Allah. However, his followers now, in order to perfect the world, are willing to kill everyone who will not accept their program to make the world like that of Mohammed, in other word we must all go back to the 7th century! That is why they are killing people in the US (9/11), London (7/7), Madrid, Morocco, Iraq, India and so on. This seems absurd, but is horribly true.
However, there is another cult of the Messiah, that of the hidden Iman in Shia Islam, that warrants further consideration and concern. I refer to an article in Friday's J'sam Post magazine about Shia Islam ("The reality of Karbala" by Eli Kavon), that warrants reading by anyone interested in the current most critical issue of our times, Iran. Particularly, the most extreme version of Shi'ism followed by Pres. Ahmedinejad and the Mullahs that run Iran, represents a specific threat because they believe in the coming of their own "messiah" and they must prepare the groundwork by waging a catastrophic war against Israel and the West.
All this trouble, disaster and human suffering for an ideal of the messiah. I have a word of advice for these fanatics - he ain't coming! So stop all this nonsense and let's enjoy life instead while we can (if that isn't a Jewish view what is?)


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