Thursday, June 11, 2009

Natural growth

It is unfortunate that the relationship between the US and Israel has come down to the question of "natural growth" of settlements in the West Bank (Judea and Samaria). Israel has already frozen building of new settlements for about 10 years through the four last governments (not including the suburbs of Jerusalem that Israel does not consider to be "settlements"). Also, Israel has agreed to dismantle illegal "outposts," small settlements that have not been approved by the Government in any plan. But, the issue of natural growth of those settlements already approved by previous Governments, some as long ago as 30 years, cannot be accepted by any self-respecting Government of Israel, prior to actual negotiations. Why should Israel give up this natural right as a precondition before negotiations restart.
There are two issues about "natural growth," first the legal right of Jews to settle in the West Bank. There is no doubt that Israel has a legal claim on the West Bank, that many have erroneously labelled "Arab Land" or "Palestinian Land" prior to any actual negotiations. Israel's right under international law extends from the Balfour Declaration of 1917, to the League of Nations Mandate to the British of 1922, to the illegal (under international law) occupation of this land by Jordan (the West Bank) and Egypt (Gaza) from 1948-1967, until the recapture by Israel of these lands in 1967. No other internationally recognized sovereignty has ever actually occupied these lands since the Turkish Empire and the British Mandate (that was intended as a temporary occupation).
Second, the limitation of natural growth is a racist concept, in line with the general Arab plan to restrict Jewish settlement in the Land of Israel. Because of Arab opposition to Jewish immigration to Palestine the British in 1939 adopted their policies and instituted strict limitations on Jewish immigration, particularly when it was crucially needed prior to WWII. This no doubt resulted in the deaths of countless Jews in Europe, for whom this avenue of escape was cut off by the British.
It is strange that the Palestinians want a "state" that is "Judenrein" completely free of any Jews. Why does the world support this racist and nationalist policy, everywhere else the international community supports the mixing of different peoples, such as in the Balkan States (Coats, Serbs and Bosnians). But, in Palestine, where the population of Israel is 20% Arab (and they live in comparative peace and safety), the same international community, including the USA and the EU, support the right of Palestine to exclude all Jews. In order to accomplish this the Palestinian Arabs seek not only to stop and reverse all Jewish settlement, but they also seek to stop all natural growth to current settlements. Can you imagine the furore if Israel decided that an agreement must depend upon stopping Arabs reproducing in their own settlements and to deport all of them too? It would be called racist, which it is in fact what the reverse case is.
It is unfortunate that the Obama Admistration has been persuaded (duped) by the Arabs (the Saudis, the Egyptians and the Palestinians) that this obscene policy will bring peace nearer. This is nonsense! Israel will never agree to give up the densely populated areas of the West Bank (Ariel, Maale Adumim, the Etzion bloc and others) that constitute about 5% of the West Bank and that Pres Bush acknowledged would be exempt from Israeli withdrawal and can never agree to the racist policy of restricting their natural growth.


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