Friday, October 02, 2009

The Geneva Talks

The Talks being held in Geneva by the five permanent UN Security Council members (Britain, France, Russia, China and the US) plus Germany with Iran over it's nuclear weapons program were described by Deputy Israeli FM Dan Meridor, who often speaks for his less articulate boss FM Lieberman, as "futile" and "a waste of time."
He is right. After stringing the EU countries (Britain, France and Germany) along for 8 years discussing this issue, it then transpires that Iran has during the talks been building a new nuclear enrichment plant in secret. Also, Pres. Ahmedinejad and other Iranian leaders have frequently insisted upon the right of Iran to develop its own nuclear program.
The difference now is that the US is involved, because of Pres. Obama's policy of "engaging" with Iran. But, although after the talks he gave Iran 2 weeks to allow the IAEA and its chief Mohammed El Baradei to visit Iran, and although this looks tough, in fact so far nothing has happened on the ground and nothing will. So the IAEA will visit, and then there will be more talks, and then there will be more talks in Geneva, and meanwhile Iran presses ahead with its nuclear program and let's not forget its missile program, which it demonstrated last week.
Secty of State Clinton has changed her tune again, having said that there needs to be "crippling" sanctions against Iran, after the talks she said cauitiously "let's see what happens." Also, Russia's representative said that allegations have been made about secret faciltities, but we need to have proof before any action is taken. Meanwhile China is even more reticent about acting, especially since they have just signed a b$25 trading deal with Iran, that includes supplying China with much needed crude oil. So it's back to the talking and the bluffing and the wasting time.


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