Friday, October 30, 2009

Katyusha firing

The Katyusha missile fired into Israel from Lebanon on Tuesday evening, and the four more ready to be launched that were subsequently found by the Lebanese Army and UNIFIL in the border village of Houla, represent an attempt by an extremist group to try to reignite combat between the IDF and Hizbollah. Although no damage was done Israel registered a complaint at the UN against Lebanon, as the sovereign in charge of the territory from where the rocket was fired. The IDF also responded with a salvo of artillery.
Later UN authorities issued a statement calling on Hizbollah and all other militias to be disarmed according to the UN resolution 1701 that ended the Second Lebanon War in 2006. The question is why does Lebanon need such a huge armed militia with reportedly ca. 12,000 missiles, when Israel represents no threat to it and has no territorial claim on it. The answer is that Hizbollah serves the military aims of Syria and Iran for hegemony in the region.
In the past, when Israel attacked Lebanon and occupied a sliver of its territory along the border, it was because the Palestinians in Lebanon were acting as a separte entity, a "state within a state" and were attacking Israel, and such counter-attacks by the IDF were the only effective defensive responses. However, it is important to point out, that as a result of the Lebanese civil war and the First Lebanon War of 1982, the PLO was expelled from Lebanon, and so they ceased to play a major role in the internal politics of Lebanon. The subsequent establishment of the PA on Palestine territory as a result of the Oslo Accords removed their need for an "external" base. Instead of making peace they attacked Israel from the PA and Gaza with terrorism, including suicide bombers.
But, the civil war also empowered the Shia Muslims in southern Lebanon and the Iranian revolution in Shia Iran provided a model and a support base for the development of Hizbollah. It is important to note this difference between the First and Second Lebanon wars, while both involved Israel, the First war was initiated by the (Sunni) Palestinians, while the Second was initiated by the Shia Hizbollah.
Although they use the Palestinian conflict as an excuse, the Shia are motivated more by a profound anti-Western, anti-Jewish hatred, that we have come to call "Islamism." As such the two wars were totally different in their motivation, although both had the same aim, the destruction of the Jewish State of Israel. Even though Hizbollah maintains an armed force far larger than necessary for it's internal needs, contrary to UN resolutions, it's excuse of "defending Lebanon" is a superficial facade, behind which lurks the national aims of Syria and Shia Iran.


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