Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Flotilla pros and cons

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times!" With such a contradiction begins one of the most famous books in the English language ("A tale of two cities" by Charles Dickens). Israel is in the same situation regarding the so-called flotilla that tried to breach the Israeli blockade of Gaza.

There is no doubt that right was on Israel's side, Israel has the right of self-defense and Hamas is a terrorist organization that smuggles arms into Gaza. Therefore, the cargo and people on the flotilla had to be stopped and checked. To those, including high level Ministers at the UN and even Heads of State who call this Israeli operation illegal under international and humanitarian law, I say nonsense! The Allies did this during WWII, the US did this during the Cuban missile crisis in 1962, the British did it during the Falkland war of 1982, it is common practice in a state of war, as exists between Hamas-controlled Gaza and Israel, that a naval blockade in international waters is used to prevent arms from reaching the enemy. The fact that there was no violence on 5 out of 6 of the boats and all those passengers were fine refutes the point about humanitarian law, and in fact here is no scarcity of food or other materials in Gaza!

Also, there is also no doubt that, as a result of the IDF's mistake in not expecting a violent confrontation on the MV Marmara, we saw on the videos graphic evidence of the extreme violence by the passengers against the Israeli naval commandos We can see them being thrown overboard, being beaten viciously with iron rods and bats and some of the soldiers are now being treated for stab wounds and one was shot. If these videos had been released to the press as soon as they were received by the IDF it might have made some difference to the international reaction, showing that Israel was not responsible for initiating the violence, although I doubt that it would have made much difference. As it was they were not released for about 24 hours, too late for the initial reporting.

Certainly Israel made two major mistakes: 1. The commandos were sent into action against a huge mob with paint guns and arriving one at a time down ropes. At least the commandos should have sprayed the decks with some kind of crowd suppressant, such as tear gas, to clear them before they could go aboard. 2. The lack of intelligence was striking given that Al Jazeera was broadcasting from the boat and two days before sent out a report showing the "passengers" sitting around shouting anti-Semitic and Islamist slogans, and stating that they wanted to be martyrs. There was also a huge collection of bats, knives, rods and possibly even some guns found aboard the ship. This was a failure of Israeli intelligence and of Israeli tactics.

I think everybody, Israelis included, would like to see a thorough investigation by Israel so that we can learn who made this stupid decision, sending the commandos into a trap and putting their lives in danger, and those responsible should be punished. But, inadvertently they gave the world graphic evidence that the violence was not initiated by the IDF commandos, but by the Islamist crowd of thugs on board. Can anyone dismiss the evidence of their eyes? However, ten people were killed in the fracas, some of them Turks, and this will inflame opinion against Israel. On the other hand, you might conclude that those who are calling for censure of Israel and investigations by the UN etc. would have done this whatever happened on the boats. They are calling for opening the blockade to Gaza, something that they know Israel cannot do, and so this was a deliberate politically motivated action, with the outcome predetermined.

What is good about the result is that 1. The flotilla was stopped and forced to dock at Ashdod, main mission accomplished. 2. Everyone can see that it was the passengers that initiated the violence on one of the ships and not the IDF; 3. Anyone thinking of testing Israel again should be in no doubt that the IDF will not shrink from its task whatever they try. It is true that at this moment the airways and the Islamic world is full of riots and condemnation of Israel, but these news items fade fast. The oil spill in LA, the French Open tennis championship, the World Football Cup in South Africa and many other issues will quickly surpass such an obviously premediatated act of Islamic aggression.

Note: In my previous posting on "The fatal flotilla" I missed one word, i.e. "Unfortunately, the IDF did NOT have enough commandos on this big boat". This was meant to indicate that it was a fashla, a mishandled incident by the IDF.


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