Thursday, June 10, 2010

Treading a thin line

To many in the world the Netanyahu Government is a hard right-wing government that is occupying the West Bank and continuing to build "settlements". Actually there has been a freeze on new settlements on the West Bank for about 10 years, everybody forgets this, during the Sharon and Olmert Adminsitrations no new settlements were built! But, there was an understanding that existing recognized settlements could expand, particularly to take account of natural growth (people do have children) and for the building of synagogues, kindergartens, schools and theaters. Also, this freeze did not apply to Jerusalem east of the former ceasefire line between Israel and Jordan, since this area had been incorporated into Israel after the Six Day War and is no longer part of the West Bank. The new freeze instituted by Netanyahu under pressure from Pres. Obama involved stopping all new building projects aimed at expanding existing settlements. This required stopping all planning and requires compensation for individuals and companies who were given permission to build, but had not yet started. But, all buildings already underway were exempt from the freeze.

Understandably, many settlers who had made plans to build houses or who need schools to which to send their children are very upset by this freeze, that is supposed to end in September, although Obama wants it to continue. Also, there are many so called "hilltop" settlements, where young people have gone to establish new locations, which is how most settlements get started in the first place. For some time these "hilltop" settlements have been considered illegal and the Government is supposed to close them down, but in fact that is almost impossible. Whenever the Govt. sends in the troops and bulldozers and removes the people from the land and destroys their flimsy houses, they come back a few days later and rebuild. The Government simply doesn't have the manpower to permanently prevent several thousand dedicated young people from returning to the places where they have decided to settle. Of course, they could do this by arresting the people, usually youths, and imprisoning them, but this is unacceptable. One can predict that until there is a negotiated peace agreement with the Palestinians, which means effectively never, that these young people will persist in their dream of building a new home in the Jewish homeland, where there is still a lot of space. In fact, in my opinion, if the US wants the PA to sign a peace treaty with Israel then they should accept unfettered Jewish settlement on the West Bank. The Palestinians would soon get the message and sue for peace before they are surrounded and overcome by Jewish villages and towns.

So the Netanyahu Government is treading a thin line between the dictates of the Obama Administration involving a total freeze on all new construction in the West Bank and the right wing settler movement that continues to push for permission to expand existing settlements and to establish new ones. This is a difficult line to tread, and in doing this Netanyahu receives NO sympathy from western liberals, who assume that he is allowing the settlers to go ahead unhindered. That is not true, as the clash Tuesday between settlers and police at the settlement of Beth El shows. Apparently two foundations were laid illegally according to the freeze and the attempt to circumvent the freeze was discovered. So police were sent in to protect a busload of workmen who were sent to destroy the foundations. But, a large number of people, including yeshiva students, gathered and fought with the police. 38 people and 8 cops were injured and 8 people were arrested. If it takes this much trouble to just deal with two foundations, that will be replaced in a week anyway, how is this or any other government going to deal with this problem. In the absence of a mutually acceptable agreement with the Palestinians that is enforceable, there is no way that any Israeli Government can stop the process of settler expansion. It is as irresistable as the expansion of US settlers west of the Mississippi River.


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