Sunday, July 04, 2010

Releasing terrorists?

Friday morning sitting on the Midrochov (pedestrian mall) in Netanya having a drink with friends, when we were witness to thousands to people marching by in support of Gilad Schalit, the IDF soldier held captive by Hamas in Gaza for 4 years. I could have joined them, because I too support the release of Gilad Schalit, and I too feel sorry for his parents. But, I would not join them because I feel even more sorry for the parents of those Israelis who would be murdered if 1,000 terrorists were freed in exchange for him. What most of those marching do not seem to realize is that they are doing the work of Hamas, they are putting pressure on the Israeli Government to release Hamas terrorists, including murderers with Israeli blood on their hands, as well as important political operatives involved in terrorism.

It has been shown that in previous releases of Palestinian terrorists ca. 60% of those released return to active terrorism, even though they signed a (useless) statement for the Israeli authorities saying that they will not. Also, those who return to terrorism have killed ca. 28 people according to Israeli Govt. figures. Now you don't have to be a mathematical genius to see that supporting the exchange of one person can lead to the deaths of many others, that would leave many more parents suffering than only the Schalits. That's why I think their campaign, although understandable, is wrong, and why I hope the majority of Israelis, apart from their sentiments, will not support it. It also gives Hamas motivation to kidnap other Israeli soldiers, so from my perspective it is wrong.

The march is for 12 days and is due to end at the PM's office in Jerusalem where the Schalits are scheduled to meet with PM Netanyahu. He stated in a speech last night that he wants to see Gilad Schalit released in an exchange, but "not at any price!" This is sensible, and we hope that he keeps to it. The kind of public movement pressuring the Governmetn to exchange prisoners for Gilad Schalit "at any price" undermines our democracy and aids our terrorist enemies.

When Gilad Schalit joined the IDF he accepted that he might be killed or captured, and when it happens you can't then turn around and say, well in his case we must accept a greater loss, he is only one soldier. If my son were held prisoner by Hamas I too would want him to be released in an exchange, but a Government has to think of all the people. Governments must act from expedience not sentiment, that is only for individuals. The expedient thing to do is not exchange Gilad Schalit at any price, Israel must set red lines and keep to them. PM Rabin many years ago released 1500 Palestinian prisoners for 3 Israelis. That resulted in the deaths of many others, and so he had their blood on his hands. PM Netanyahu should learn from his mistake and not repeat it, giving in to the sentiment of the parents and their supporters would be a serious error.


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