Monday, August 09, 2010

Our slogans

Arabs come from Arabia
In 638 ce the Arabs swept out of Arabia and conquered Jerusalem. This was part of their imperialist march that led to a vast Muslim Empire and subsequently to a Turkish Empire. The Jews started returned to their ancient homeland to re-establish their State in the 1860s. After WWI the Jews were helped by the British under the terms of its League of Nations Mandate for Palestine, but then under Arab pressure the British Government reneged on its commitment and prevented Jews from immigrating before WWII, which added to the Jewish dead during the Holocaust. The Jews originally came from Judea, and now Israel is a well-established fluourishing State recognized by the United Nations. The Arab homeland is Arabia.

Palestinians are named after the Philistines, who no longer exist
The Palestinians are named after the Philistines, who came from the sea and conquered part of the Biblical Holyland. They were defeated by the Israelites (remember David and Goliath) but their name stuck. "Philistia" was used by the Romans to designate part of their Empire to avoid the use of a name related to the Jews, who they in turn had defeated. When the Arabs conquered the Holyland they were simply "Arabs," and remained so. When Britain defeated the Turks in WWI and occupied the area they called it "Palestine." Then there were Palestinian Jews and Palestinian Arabs, but only the Jews were known as "Palestinians" and the Arabs were simply "Arabs." It was not until the defeat of the Arabs forces in 1967 by the IDF in the Six Day War, that the Arabs living in Palestine started to take on an ethnic identification of their own. However, only their geographical and historical features are distinct, in all other respects they are identical to the surrounding Arabs in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt.

Israel is a Rainbow Nation
Calling Israel an "apartheid state" is one of the most fatuous slogans that the anti-Israel left have invented. It has no validity whatsoever. For example, walk down any Israeli street and you will see a rainbow of people, Jews from every country on earth, American, British, French, Russian, Australian, and of every skin color, Ashkenazi, Sephardi and Ethiopian. Then there are the Arabs (21% of the population), Muslims, Druse, Christians and Beduin. There are ca. 170,000 Beduin Arabs in Israel and one of them was recently the Israeli Deputy Consul General in San Francisco. Druse and Beduin serve in the IDF. Then there are the non-Jewish immigrants, such as Africans (some refugees from Darfur), Philippinos (many come as care givers and stay) and Thais. Israel is truly a rainbow nation and is a working liberal democracy. This is something that cannot be said of any Arab country. There are Gay Pride Parades in most major Israeli cities, try and do that in a Muslim country.

The Arabs are Intransigent
Israeli PM Netanyahu has been calling for direct peace negotiations with the Palestinians to restart for nearly two years. First, PA Pres. Abbas insisted on indirect "proximity" talks thru US President Obama's representative Sen. Mitchell. Then long after Netanyahu instituted a freeze on all building in the West Bank, Abbas would still not agree to direct talks. Now the US, UN, EU and even the Arab League have supported direct talks, but Abbas still will not go ahead. He insists on impossible preconditions, such as Israel accepting a permanent freeze on building in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, Israel accepting the pre-June 1967 ceasefire lines as the borders of a Palestinian State, and Israel accepting the right of return of Palestinian "refugees," all complex issues that must be discussed in direct talks. Why are the Arabs intransigent, avoiding an end of the conflict agreement that might remove their excuse for continually trying to delegitimize and destroy Israel.


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