Sunday, April 10, 2011


Friday night Hamas and its terrorist allies in Gaza fired 15 Grad missiles at major Israeli cities, Ashkelon, Ashdod and Beersheva. Eight of them were intercepted by the Iron Dome anti-missile system, which seems to be working very well. It can detect whether or not the missile is targeted at a populated area and it only activates and intercepts if it is. This is the first time in history that an anti-missile system has worked effectively. There were no major Israeli casualties of these rockets, but this number of long-range rockets is the highest fired from Gaza since Operation Cast Lead over two years ago. In total terrorists launched ca. 120 missiles, rockets and mortars at Israel over the weekend (Fri-Sat)! This is a major war crime! In response, the IDF carried out attacks throughout the Gaza strip, killing three leaders of the Hamas military wing and 15 others, mostly rocket firing teams caught as soon as they fired.

Remember that this exchange of firing was initiated by Hamas shooting an anti-tank missile from Gaza at a school bus inside Israel, critically injuring a teenage boy, who is still struggling for his life with shrapnel in his head. PM Netanyahu stated while on a visit to the Czech Republic, that "the attack on a school bus crossed the line, whoever tries to hurt and murder children will be held accountable." Israeli Generals have warned that unless the attacks cease they may be forced to take major action like that of Operation Defensive Shield against the West Bank in 2002, that led to Israeli occupation and eventually the breaking of the military and terrorist capability of Fatah in the West Bank. One theory as to why this escalation is occuring now is that there are major uprisings occuring elsewhere in the Arab world, taking the limelight away from the Palestinians.

Now this might seem to be of purely academic interest to outsiders, something that happens from time to time and then there is a period of relative calm until the next outbreak. But, I assure you this is a major real concern for all Israelis, we don't want to be attacking and invading a hostile area like Gaza, unless it is necessary. In southern Israel 1 million Israelis are now within the range of their rockets and it could be more if they turn their sights on to Tel Aviv. All schools, kindergartens and public meetings are either closed or cut back. We are invited to our daughter's home in Beersheva for the Pesach holiday. Can you imagine what will happen if we are all gathered around the table on Seder night and incoming rockets are detected and the Iron Dome alarm goes off? Remember it was the bombing of the Park Hotel in Netanya on Seder night 2002 killing 30 people that led to Operation Defensrve Shield. We thought we had left such terror behind, but Iran has supplied Hamas and Hizbollah with thousands of such rockets in order to deliberately hit Israeli civilians. The Israeli Government and the Defense forces cannot simply accept this missile terror as a fait accompli. Our oldest grandson is due to be inducted into the IDF next year. We certainly don't want him to be in the Gaza strip, but if that is what is necessary to stop this war crime, then so be it.

No doubt after the dust settles there will be another UN human rights council condemnation of Israel and maybe they can even persuade Richard Goldstone to be in charge of the investigation again, although even he seems to have learnt his lesson. The predictable outcome will undoubtedly be more criticism of Israel for defending itself, but it is better to win on the ground than to win in the biased courts of the UN.


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